19| Milestone and drama

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Two years later...

"How are they holding up?" I asked Kitty on the phone as I finally got the holiday off school to get home.

"A little better but they're still in mourning." She tells me.

I woke up some bad news last week that Stephen's parents has passed away due to poisoning. Just the start of this week there was a mass murder in the same area and a group of men were minced and was reported as a brutal case. Whether or not those men were involved, I think there's a clean up going on and anyone could be a target.

The media explained that it's a pattern, that someone was doing these crimes intentionally as the killer leaves clues for the reason these people are dead.

What I wanted to know was why I kept having millions of dollars sent to my dried accounts. Every week is a new sum and if Damajue was answering his phone I would know what's the reason for the money were. I barely spoke to him lately and since he bought a phone for our son Steplon, wherever I call it's who around will answer it and it was never him.

"It's expected, I can't believe this though."

"Me too, Amoy. Me too." She sighed then asked. "How far are you?"

"Mobay, I'm just leaving the airport."

"You've rented a car?" She inquired and I know she's worried, every were.

"Nope, Zane is coming to pick me up." That seems to calm her only a little and she stays on the phone until she heard his voice before hanging up.

Zane however looked at me as if he has seems ghost, pointing at my prolonged tummy.

"Yes, I'm pregnant again." I shrugged and he  stopped me from moving.

"When? How? Who?" This idiot asked and I chuckled. I'm so amused at the fact that it's just me and me alone all the way in Trinidad and Tobago at UWI.

"The last time I left. It was on the yacht, and who else would get me pregnant if not for your cousin. Do I look like I have a death wish?" I frowned a bit.

"But pregnant and in school?" He had a point. If Damajue had known he'll demanded that I moved back to Jamaica to study and I understood that but I'm good where I'm at now.

"Yep, I even have a little job at the neonatologists area where I get free checkups." I was living the life.

"Who else knows about this?"

"Just you and I, where's your car?" I inquired with a raise brow.

"This way." He huffed, taking all my luggage including my purse. I couldn't walk in step with him or a step behind for he wanted to keep an eye on me. "How far along are you?"

"Seven months." I ignored him when he stopped but I kept moving in the direction of the airport parking lot.

"An yuh keep dis from dih man! From him family!" He yelled, getting some looks from onlookers who looked in my direction.

"Come show mih yuh car yute!" I hissed, unhappy that he's getting on my damn nerves.

"Can't believe yuh still a keep secrets my girl. An yuh just come offa dih phone wid him mada tu, a hypoc... Mek mih shut mih mouth." He scoffed, passing me as he approached the car.

It's when we were about to get close to KFC that he spoke to me and of course I wanted it. I couldn't miss the chance and I made a big order, not caring of the wait.

"How's school, coach?" I asked with a smile.

"Good." He grumbled yet the little smile showed how much he appreciates the job.

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