11| Mellow

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I dodged my friends since I've returned and worst, I didn't want anyone around to touch me during my period.

Monday was the worst as I got ready and went to school really early. I even exchanged seat with another girl in class who realized I was on my period so less attention was on me in case I moved to sit closer to the floor. My friends glared at me during lunch when they entered my class but got worried upon seeing my condition.

"Yuh good?" Samir asked.

"Har period." Rhea noticed and I could see Zane taking out his phone.

"I'm fine. I just need to feel a little colder."

"Yuh realized how cold the AC is?" Rush pointing out at number fifteen on the two units on the walls.

"Nuh act like a nuh regular thing but how it suh early?" Royal inquired.

"It's late." I mumbled.

"Mih go buy a iced cranberry water and come." Zane spoke and I smile, thanking him. "Yuh want anything fih eat?"

"Buy har salty fries or chip." Ms. McCloud added, peeking out from her office.

This woman was just like me, introverts who made use of all the air conditioned rooms. She has taken me under her wing since seventh grade and used the computer rooms as our home rooms. She's like a big sister to me since then.

"Okay. Yuh want anything Miss?" Zane smirks, getting ready to flirt with her as always.

"No thank you, Mister Kelly. My husband bought me lunch." She's showed him the box of Chinese food and Starbucks drink on her desk.

Her eyes, that's what I noticed and I'm too damn sure they're acting are good. I wouldn't be surprised if Ms McCloud ended up with Zane since she's basically three years older than us. She's on the same weight and height level as me though the rest are different. She's light brown skinny, having Germany genes and lineage so her brunette hair has nothing like ours. She always wears it up in a bun at the back of her head and hiding it's length.

However, I know Zane saw it or saw her completely. Miss McCloud was her name till ninth grade the she changed it to Ms, becoming secretive about her husband or it could be her fiancé. It made no sense as to why she never changes her last name.

I would love for her to be with him, if they already aren't together. Just like Kitty, Zane got the Kelly genes from his flirty, carefree dad Zarie. He a tall, lean guy with an handsome face and the skills of computer and carpentry. Two to three years ago, Zane and I were Presidents of the school, and up to now, he has dedicated his computer skills for the school and won thousands over the years, including all the computers in Ms. McCloud's class.

Zane only smiled and left, so I focused on my friends watching me.

"It's a little strange how it late." Rush hummed, eyeing me as if he didn't already know what's up.

"I'm eating more."

"An being active but that would've make it come earlier." He continues and I raised a brow at him.

"Yuh turn doctor now?"

"Maybe. Yuh a put on weight yes..." Our other friends slapped him but the brute just laughed.

"Mih know." I shrugged.

"Damajue is feeding you really good my dear." Ms. McCloud sang in her office and I started blushing.

"Watch blush."

"Gyal cheekbones high."

"Whatever." I mumbled, seeing Zane walked in quite early.

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