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"Good girl, sad boy. Big city, wrong choice. We had one thing goin' on. I swear that it was somethin' 'cause I don't remember who I was before you painted all my nights a color I've searched for since..."

"What are you talking about?" Sam wildly questions, the three of you walking through some dark, desolate basement. "You wanna break Zemo out of jail? And where the hell are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?"

"Not that anyone's asked my opinion," you quip, following behind Sam but in front of Bucky. "But I don't feel like this is the greatest of ideas."

"You know what's not a great idea?" Sam rhetorically asks, his voice filled with sarcasm specially reserved for you. "Using that little ball of flame in your hand instead of a flashlight! You know, the flashlight, the one on the back of your phone, the one used to take calls and not ignore me? Or did you forget about your phone because you were too busy being blown up!"

"You were blown up?" Bucky incredulously demands, his eyes wide as his head whips toward you.

"No!" you adamantly deny, smothering the small blue flame in your palm. "The building I was in blew up. I was safely tucked beneath a steel door."

Bucky's almost stunned silent with a dumbfounded look on his face. He shakes his head, pointing at you, "Okay, we're gonna circle back to that in a minute. What was I saying...? Right, we have no leads, no moves, nothing."

"What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars," Sam retorts.

"And a serum that no one knows anything about. But Zemo does," Bucky insists, recalling the look on Zemo's face when Bucky questioned him after you left his cell.

It was the look of a man who knew more than he was going to say while still behind bars.

"Or he's just leading the two of you to believe that so you get him out," Sam argues. "Zemo's just going to mess with our minds. Especially yours, Bucky. No offense."

Bucky flips on a large power breaker, illuminating the room. "Offense."

You wait for a moment, leaning on one of the large metal shelves that faces the door you entered only moments ago. "He's a means to an end. The enhanced humans are against everything he believes."

"But she's not a superhuman!" Sam exclaims, doubling down. "She's a person, a person that I don't want Zemo anywhere near."

"He's crazy, but he still has a code."

"And we've all been on the wrong side of that code, Bucky! He blew up the UN, he killed King T'Chaka, and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about that? It's a rhetorical question, of course they didn't." Sam pauses for a moment, eyes remaining on Bucky. While Sam continues his rant, you allow your eyes to wander the strange warehouse-like room Bucky lead you to. "I know this matters but we can't let it push us off the deep end." It's then that Sam's eyes snap back to you, pointedly remarking, "Or any further off the deep end."

"Will you quit taking shots at me?" you frustratedly groan. "I haven't even said anything!"

"We don't know how they're getting the serum," Bucky quietly tells Sam, his eyes widening at Sam to silently remind him of the information they were still keeping from you. "We don't know even know how bad this is yet, Sam."

"Sam, maybe we should hear Bucky out?" you gently urge.

"Let me just walk you through a hypothetical," Bucky starts, his eyes flickering between you and Sam. "Can I walk you through a hypothetical?"

Sam's ears perk up, his shoulder stiffening at Bucky's words. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," Bucky guiltily replies.

The Twin Flame: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now