You All Over Me

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"Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then..."

You've always liked the feel of the warm breeze against your face.

You shut your eyes as the wind blows through your hair and the gentle rays of sunlight warm your face. You tilt your head back, allowing yourself to at least somewhat relax after days of constantly running.

The free flowing breeze always reminded you of freedom. Your shoulders relaxed with each exhale. Each inhale slowly filled the pit in your stomach that remained constant from the moment you cut ties with Sam.

In this moment, pretending that the world only exist within the confines of Sam's car, you can't remember why you did that in the first place.

"You okay?"

It's a question Sam's asked many times before. The words always carry so much weight. He always wants a real answer.

You allow your head to loll in Sam's direction, still slouched back against the headrest.

You bite back your instinctive remark, 'I'm fine'. You pause for a moment, allowing the wind to whistle in your ears. The breeze fills your lungs once more, creating a lightness that didn't exist hours ago, "Yeah, I'm okay. You?"

"Hanging in there." You hum in agreement, but otherwise, you remain silent. The sound of the rumbling engine fills the car once again until Sam breaks the silence again, "You didn't sleep on the plane."

"How could I with you snoring the entire time?" you tease.

He humorously snorts, "I don't snore."

"You definitely do."

The familiar rapport is calming, it brings you back to an easier time. You smile to yourself, your eyelids closing with the feeling of ease and comfort.

Even with your eyes shut again, you can feel Sam's gaze routinely shift from the road back to watching you. You open your eyes with a huff, "I can feel you staring at me. What?"

He innocently shrugs, "Nothing."

"Something," you insist.

You can see the hesitation stop Sam saying his initial response. That never used to happen before. Secrets never existed between the two of you. He softly smiles, his eyes on the road as he speaks, "Just - it's good to see you back here, back home. Thought I'd have to drag you back kicking and screaming."

You playfully roll your eyes, "Well, that's a little dramatic."

"Oh, please, you literally stowed away to keep from coming back here."

"It wasn't to keep from coming back here," you correct him. "It's because I knew you weren't telling me something."

"So you're telling me that you just knew I wasn't telling you about the Flag Smashers?" he doubtfully questions.

"Yes, because I know you. I know when you're hiding things."

"Touche," he quips, only for silence to fill the car again. This time you don't shut your eyes again, instead watching Sam as he drives down the increasingly familiar roads that tell you you're almost home. He was arguably the person you knew best, the person you were most familiar with. You knew his mannerisms, the cadence of his speech. He was your most trusted confidant, your only true constant, and slowly, you watched as the two of you became people you didn't fully recognize.

It was an unimaginable pain. Mourning was hard. Mourning someone who was still very much alive was even worse. He feels your gaze on his profile after a few moments. His eyes flicker over to you, "What?"

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