Look What You Made Me Do

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"I don't like your little games, don't like your tilted stage, the role you made me play of the fool..."

"We have breaking news. There's a complete lockdown at the GRC meeting in Lower Manhattan where authorities are saying they're tracking multiple threats from groups seeking to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement. There is a no-fly zone in effect..."

You watch the broadcast in the storefront before you in abject horror.

You so badly believed that there was good in Karli. You wanted to believe that she would do the right thing and stop this before it got out of hand, but here it was.

Completely and totally out of hand.

Your earpiece crackles to life, pulling your attention away from the screen. The voice you hear is not the one you were expecting, "Sam, this is already a shit show. Can we really handle this ourselves?"

Sam's voice suddenly fills your ear, "Don't worry, I called in backup."

"Backup?" Bucky asks, wading through the spectators formed around the GRC building.

You look away from the screens, scanning the street for the sight of Bucky. You find him in the middle of the sidewalk, his neck craned up to look at the skyscraper that was supposed to host the now delayed GRC vote tonight.

Though you're certain he can't hear your approach over the loud sounds of sirens waling and people scrambling through the frantic scene, you see his eyebrows furrow, he quickly looks away from the building, frantically scanning the area.

He finds you in an instant, his eyes drawn by some inexplicable gravitational pull to you. A breath lodges in his throat at the shock of seeing you.

In that moment, he swears his heart skips a beat.

A goofy grin pulls at the corners of his mouth the moment he sees that it's really you, you're really here, standing just a few feet away from him. So close he can almost touch you, "Hi."

You gently wave as he steps up to you, "Hi."

He resists the instinctive urge to pull you back into his arms.

There's so much he doesn't know right now. He doesn't know where he stands with you. He doesn't know how tonight will end. What he does know is that nothing feels more right that having you by his side. So instead of pulling you into his arms or keeping you at arm's distance, he just keeps smiling that boyish grin, "You're here. I - I can't believe you're here."

You nod, your fingers incrementally lift, subconsciously reaching out to him, "And you're here."

Sam's voice once again echoes in your ear, his tone dripping in sarcasm, "And now that we've established that we are all indeed here, we need to keep our eyes open."

You know Bucky's hearing the same thing you are from the unimpressed frown that weighs down his smile. "That's your plan? Keep our eyes open?"

"Sam's never been one for the plans," you whisper to Bucky.

"I heard that," Sam chides.

"And I say that with all the love and respect in the world!" you add.

"They're gonna move in on the building soon," Sam informs you and Bucky as he soars around the perimeter of the GRC building, "Karli's not gonna be far from the action. Be ready."

"Be ready. Got it," you mutter to yourself, rolling your shoulders in an attempt to psych yourself up, "Good call, Sam. Be ready."

"Shut up," Sam grumbles.

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