1: meeting

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I'm standing in a line waiting for my turn. The girls that were trying to get the job were in dress. Was this not a job for a assistant. It was my turn to go in. And holy hell. I know why those girls were in a dress. The CEO, Asher Hernandez, is hot as hell.

He had black hair. Brown eyes. You can look at it for hours."Sit,". He has a voice that can make it fall to your knees. "All the things are in the folder. How I was in my old job. I was good are a lot of things, like -" I look at him as he looks through the folder. He has a confused look. "Is something wrong," I muttered.

" You have the job," he sighed, putting his hand over this face.

"Wait, really," I asked. I have never had someone who gave me a job that fast. "You start tomorrow." He replied, getting up. He had to be six feet. I was on 5'3 and had to look up at him. I got up. I was only up to his stomach. "Sir, you really going to give the job to me. Don't you have other people to see as well?"

"Do you want the job or not?" he asked in a deep voice. " No, I m-mean, yes I do," I stuttered " then what's the problem?"

"Nothing, sir," I replied, looking down. I have learned not to say a lot or ask questions. But he made me feel different.


I got home and started to make dinner. When I see my dad sitting there. " dad, I was about to make dinner." My heart started to beating faster. " Why so late? I have been waiting for 2 hours." He yelled

" The job I was going to get had a lot of people also wanting the job. I-" I begged when he hit me. I fell to the floor. Not again. "I-i'm sorry," I whined. My hand shaking. He hit me and hit me over and over again. I laid on the floor. He felt 1 hour ago.

I was still on the floor. When I go up, my legs hurt. I look in the mirror. There are new burses and old burses all over my body. He never hit me in my arms or my face it was so he knows people will not see. He made sure I didn't wear shorts ether.

I'm got in the shower and went to bed. This happened all the time. If I got home and he was there, he would hit me, then leave and not come home into the morning. But I was gone by then.

I was crying. Why, why did it have to be me. I would want my mom to hug me and tell me it will be ok. But she was never there to do it.



When I saw her, something felt different. She was wearing jeans and a hoody to a job interview. The girl that came in before her was dressed up in dress. They didn't want the job they wanted me. As soon as they came in, they stood there and waited to be asked to sit. And when I said sit. They smiled. I hated that girl who looked for attention. Then she came in, she looked different, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

I gave her the job. She asked why. By the look in her eye, you can see that she didn't know why she got the job. It was like something was telling her that she wasn't good. I wanted to know what or who was bringing her down.The only reason I gave her the job was because I knew there was something about her. I just didn't know what it was.

Somthing was pulling her to me. When she left, the next girl was about to come in, but I stopped her. Told the rest of the girls to go home. I was now looking at the screen with my most trusted men. I found out that her mom died giving birth to her. And her father.

I knew he father. One thing I knew was that I hated him. He would take girl for his twisted pleasure, had people killed or killed people . There was no way Fiona knew about it she was to kind hearted to know about it. I looked more into her dad. When i came across all the people he killed. I knew i remembered that face. The one that stood over me dads dead body after killing him, friona dad. I then found out that he worked for the men who killed my parents. I need to kill him, but I need Fiona for that. I need to have something on him.

Fiona And Asher ( Working On/editing)Where stories live. Discover now