11: toy

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I wake up to feel arms around me. I had to go to the bathroom so badly. I try so hard to move without waking him up.

" Stop moving." I freeze  when I hear his voice. It was a deep sleep vioce

" Stop poking me, " I replied,

" That's not my hand." I can feel him smirking at me. I jumped up from the bed.

My eyes got the best of me as I was staring at him and looked down at him. I see a big dent in him pants. I looked back at him. He has a smirk on him face.

I look away as soon as possible. "I'm going to the shower." i talk to the bathroom. When I get there, I lock the door. The bathroom was stemming hot.

Then I got in the shower. I feel me bones relax.



My boner didn't go away. I woke up before her, and I felt her thigh on my part. I wanted so bad to fuck her but she keep saying that u was her boss that we can't.

When she got up to go to the shower I just could not stop looking at her. She had the perfect craves and everything.

It was a good 20 minutes when the door slammed open. To show my sister. " Fiona, you will never believe what I got you - oh Asher, you're here," she looked a round the room to see if Fiona was here. The bathroom door open. " I forgot my clothes- oh hey ashly"

" I have to talk to you. Asher leave please" I rolled my eyes and got up to go to the shower. As I got in, I turned on the water. I just stand by the door so I can hear what they were saying. 

" What happened?"

" You're going to love this."

I hear something moving around. Sound like they took something out of the bag. " omgg, why do you have that?" A high pitch sound rang through my ears.

A buzz sound trun on. " trun that off. Asher is going to hear you." The sound turned off, but an interesting thought came to bind. Did ashly buy a toy for fiona??

I got in the shower and can still hear them talking outside.



I was stated to get ready as ashly was trying to convince me to keep it. " Just try it on it will feel so good." she tried to convince me again. I nodded my head no.

I was surprised when Asher was not even out of the shower it had been almost an hour. " I will leave it here, and you can keep it," she said before leaving.

I keeped doing my hair when she left. I mean, will it hurt?
How does it work?
How does it feel?
Questions ring in my mind. I go to the bag and look at it. I mean, one little try will not hurt right.

I put the underwear on and then everything else on. I looked through the bag, and I couldn't see the remote.

The bathroom door opens. " we need to go now to the lunch we have, and we have a meeting after." He said, not looking at me.

He sits on the bed. After a minute a it turned on. Asher was sitting on it. "Omg" I said

" what , what's wrong" asher asked.

" nothing i-I'm f-fine." I put a smile on my face. Asher got up and it stopped. We made eye contact. " lady's first go out the door"

My eye widen but I still have the underwear on. " I um I have to go to the bathroom"

" you can go when we get there now go" he responded with. I started to walk out and a minute later. He was out the door to.

Fiona And Asher ( Working On/editing)Where stories live. Discover now