Chapter Four

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"You're here early." She remarked then checked her watch. Normally, players didn't start arriving for another hour or so.

He was wearing a black from head to toe. Everything on him, save for his cap—which was his personal brand, was black. He wore the black club tracksuit and black Nike sneakers. He looked good, she had to admit. Like he'd walked straight off a sport magazine cover.

They always did, partially thanks to moi, she smiled to herself. She had helped pick out the designs for those tracksuits.

Sapphie took one of the handles and together they carried the next bag to the bus.

"Couldn't sleep. Too much adrenaline, I guess." He grinned then shouted greetings to the other people around them. "You?"

She shrugged, "Story of my life. What, did you think? That your kit got itself prepared every morning?"

"Fair enough." He chuckled, then looked around, "Where's Pierre, I thought he was the one who usually runs the show when we're travelling."

They carried another bag to the bus.

"Oh, stepped aside for this one. Something about a meeting clash. I'm flying solo today, literally."

"I'll have to admit, that's why I'm a little nervous today," she added, "oh who am I kidding. A lot nervous."

"Really? Why? Haven't you taken care of like, a lot of the games at this point."

"I have, but this is the first time he has let me taken pointe on an away game. Anything could go wrong." She bit her lip.

Sapphie could never forget how this could also just have been the perfect opportunity he needed to set her up for failure. That's why it was so important to her now more than ever before for this game to go by without a hitch.

"Don't worry, you'll be great, I'm sure. Think of it as a chance to prove him you are capable of anything he throws your way."

"Thanks." She smiled.

"You, uh said too much adrenaline is pumping. Are you nervous about tomorrow's game? Do you even get nervous?" She asked.

Kylian laughed loudly.

"More like I'm overexcited actually." He rubbed his hands together, "It sort of feels like that day before some big event and you can't sleep. Like tomorrow is the first day back to school, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that." She smiled.

They picked up the last bag and put it away.

"And for the record," He turned to face her, "I am not a robot. I do get nervous too. It's just instead of letting my nerves eat at me, I translate it into pushing myself to play harder on the pitch. Don't worry about the next two days. Just do your job how best you know how to and you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Kylian. For this too. I appreciate all your help." She gestured around them.

"Glad to help." He smiled down at her.

When she saw that she was still staring up at him, probably like a star struck teenager, Sapphie cleared her throat and turned to the other men, "Thanks so much to you too guys. I owe you all."

Not wanting to leave any room for confusion later, she quickly made sure to check all of them off her list before she forgot.

"How about some breakfast after that hard work? Want to join me?"

Sapphie laughed and looked up at him for a moment before going back to signing off, "Are you kidding?"

"Everyone knows I don't joke about breakfast. Ever."

The Golden Boy and The Girl Next Door (A Kylian Mbappé Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now