part 21

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Previous chapter
Riyaz got to know about anu's feelings.

Riyaz was so happy to listen this news. He was stunned hearing all this actually reading all this

Ri: avu is it true I mean are you sure about all this are you sure about her feelings do she really loves me do she

Avu kept her hand on his mouth and said

Avu: Arrey...Arrey shant mere tally apne feelings pe break laga and i am 100% sure about her feelings I can sense it. I know her since sooooo long. I can tell what she is thinking in by watching in her eyes only.

Ri : avu aaj mai bohot kush hu

And in excitement he lifted her up in air and twirlled her round

Ri: thank you avu you gave me the best gift in life ever. You are the best avu. I love you, I love you, I love youuuuuuu(while twirling)

And suddenly a sound was heard. When all turned there face. It was anu and she heard I love you from ri's mouth and watching them she dropped it. Tears were formed in her eyes.

Ri: an-

Cut off by anu

Anu: I.I so.rry it f.f.fa.ll by mis.t.take

And she ran away crying. Seeing her condition all went behind her but as soon as they left the room they were looking here there but she was no where to be seen ri and sid left on their respective bikes to find her.

Sid: come avu sit fast

Avu: you go I just...

And started running back to the mansion Sid was about to go behind her but he thought to check anu right now it is more important. And he left.
On other hand avu ran towards the terrace top and found anu sitting their but not crying at all. She was looking lost. Avu messaged Sid and ri that anu is at home only. And went to anu and sat beside her.

Avu: hey sexy

Anu: h.hi

Avu: Tu jaisa soch rhi hai waisa kuch bhi nhi hai.

Anu: what a.about

Avu: come on you know what I am talking about. Do you trust me

Anu: more than myself

Avu: then believe me it is not like what it seemed to be xo you wanna know the whole truth

Anu: which truth

Avu narrated the whole incident and Anu was stunned after hearing the whole truth. She was happy but guilty at the same moment

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