New Years

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Christmas passed. To Fischl, Bennett's company that night was most welcome. She acted like her usual self, however inside she was exploding with happiness.

"How was your night, Mein Fräulein?" Oz asked. Fischl sat on the couch, surrounded by wrapping paper. Bennett had left an hour ago and Fischl never moved.

"It was great... thank you for the gifts." She said. It came out a little depressingly. Fischl tucked her knees up and hugged them. Oz stared at her strangely.

"Do you feel ok?" He asked. Fischl shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Bennett... he... he's cursed." Fischl said. Oz looked in confusion as Fischl continued.

"The curse effects me. I feel it when he's around, but when he leaves, it seems to effect me." She said, looking down towards her feet. Oz didn't say anything.

"I try to fight it but I can't. It's stronger than me." Fischl continued, now placing with some wrapping paper sitting next to her.

"What do you mean?" Oz asked.

"I just... it's like butterflies." Fischl said. She started breaking character.

"T-Then when he's close, it's most effective, and when he leaves, the curse makes me feel empty." She said. Oz just listened.

"B-But for some reason... no matter what..." She began, her voice getting shaky.

"Mein Fräulein..." Oz began. Fischl looked up at Oz.

"I feel so happy." She said with teary eyes. Oz stared at her.

"And I feel like hugging something really tightly, and I just don't know!" Fischl exclaimed. Oz sighed.

"You're alone on this one." He said standing up.

"Huh? Oz!" Fischl exclaimed.

"You can handle this yourself. Do a ritual or something." He said, walking away.

"W-Wait!" Fischl exclaimed before he left the room. Oz wanted her to go through this herself. He'd be sure to help every once in a while, but this was her moment.

"AHHHHHHH!" Bennett thought to himself, walking home. He decided to walk home alone at night for two reasons. One: He didn't want to inconvenience Oz or anyone to help him get home. Two: He needed some time to himself.

"Why didn't I say anything?"

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled into the empty night.

"Can you shut up!" A voice in the not so empty night yelled back.

"Sorry!" Bennett replied. He sighed, continuing his walk home and thinking about the day.

"How does she think of me?" Bennett asked himself. He couldn't figure it out through her persona. It's be impossible to tell. Knowing his luck, they're just friends. He hit himself in the gut.

"That's the worst outcome!" He thought. That's when he saw a black cat walk in front of him. They stared at each other. Bennett took a step towards it, and the cat allowed him to pet it.

"Bad luck huh? You're not so bad." Bennett said. Suddenly, the cat turned to run across the street. Unfortunately, a car was also coming.

"H-Hey wait!" Bennett exclaimed, going to grab it before slipping on ice...

"Right... I forgot how unlucky I was..." Bennett though as he fell towards the street.

"Ever since I met her, I forgot." He thought again. The car went flying by as Bennett felt arms around his chest. He looked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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~Chuunibyou with a Pinch of Love~ [Genshin Impact-SchoolAU] ~ Bennett x Fischl Where stories live. Discover now