Chapter 1: 7th Grade

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The sun shined through the window of the suite on the 23rd floor of the Tipton. It was 8:30am, and school started at 9. 

"Zack, the bus will be here in five minutes, where are you!?" Carey yelled to their bedroom; no answer. Cody was already at the table eating his pancakes with banana slices on top. Carey turned to Cody.

"Cody, go in there and see where your brother is," she said. 


Cody ran into his twin brothers room and to his surprise, Zack was still asleep. He walked over to his bed and shook him awake.

"Zack, Zack! School starts in thirty minutes, c'mon!"

"42! no, 32!" Zack said. He slowly started woke up out of his daze and realized he wasn't dreaming anymore. 

"Oh, Cody. What's up?" 

"C'mon Zack, we have to go catch the bus" Cody said.

"Oh, right, right!" Zack hurried out of bed and got dressed. He brushed his teeth really quickly and ran out of his room, grabbing his backpack. He met Cody in the main room of the Suite and grabbed a banana on the way out.

"Bye Mom!" Zack cried. 

"I love you both!"

"You too." they said in unison. They ran to the bus and hopped on just before it started to drive off. They sat together as the bus made its way to the school. 

"Thanks for waking me up Cody; Mom would've killed me if I missed a day only two weeks into the year," Zack said.

"No problem," Cody replied.

The bus pulled into the school and the twins made their way to their first class. The first three classes went by pretty quickly; for Cody at least. Zack spent the first three waiting for lunch. When lunch finally came around, Cody waited for his brother to get out of his class. When he finally saw him, they both went to lunch together, and sat at the same table. It wasn't long before a kid walked up to them and began talking, along with his group of friends;

"Yo Zack, I heard you're trying out for the Basketball team. I'm Drew, the captain. As long as you're nothing like Clone #2 here, you'll make the team." Drew said.

"Oh yeah? I'll make the team easily!" Zack replied back.

"Alright, See ya after 6th period." Drew stated. Zack looked at his twin confidently.

"You see, the Drew Crew already recognizes my talent, and I've only been here for barely two weeks!" he said.

"He doesn't even know your name." Cody replied.

"Just you wait until after tryouts. The whole school will know after Friday." he said confidentially.

 As they finished their lunch, they made their way to their last classes of the day. In each of their final classes, both Zack and Cody were ready for the end of the day. Zack had basketball tryouts 20 minutes after school ended and Cody had an Algebra Club that he was going to attend. The final bell rang and they both left their classes. Zack went towards the gym as Cody began walking to his locker. He put away his bag temporarily and closed his locker. When he did, he saw Drew and his friends waiting for him; The Drew Crew.

"If it isn't Clone #2" Drew sneered. 

"Oh, hey Drew" Cody said nervously. 

The Drew Crew had been picking on him for the past few days, after they noticed Cody had gotten an A+ on all of his Biology papers. However, he didn't tell Zack; Zack always called him a baby and he wanted to prove him wrong by standing up to them.

"So Cody, we have a Science test tomorrow and I'm gonna need you to sit to the right of me so I don't flunk this test. My mom's not letting me do basketball if I don't pass. You think you can make that happen?" Drew said, staring intently at Cody. 

Cody knew Drew was almost a foot taller than him and the last thing he wanted to do was make him mad.

"Listen Drew. If you want I can help you before the test if you want, but I don't think I ca—" Cody was cut off as Drew grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the lockers.

"Listen Martin. It wasn't a question. Sit to my right tomorrow or we are going to have a problem. Got it?" Drew stated.

"Ok ok. I will. I'm s-sorry." Cody said.

"That's what I thought." Drew said as he pushed Cody against the locker.

Drew and the rest of his friends laughed and started to walk away. Cody stayed against his locker for a little bit as tears started to form in his eyes; but he knew he had to say strong for Zack. He slowly made his way back to his feet and went to his Algebra club.

* * *

At Basketball Tryouts, Zack was practicing by himself right before official practice started. He had drained 10 free throws in a row when Drew and the Coach walked in.

"Alright Martin, Let's see what you got." said Drew. Practice started and as it went on, Drew was doing the best. However, after some time, Zack started doing better. He eventually made three 3-pointers in a row when the coach began to become impressed. Tryouts ended and Coach began to speak.

"Thank you everyone for trying out; Results will be posted Friday." Zack started to leave the gym before Drew came up to talk to him.

"You know what Martin, you're better than I thought you would be." Drew said.

"Really?" said Zack, trying to sound more confident than he really was.

"Yeah. How about later today at 6, you join us at the park. We're playing 3v3 pickup basketball and we can use an extra player," said Drew.

"Of course!" said Zack, trying not to sound too excited.

"Alright Clone #1, see ya then." Drew said, chuckling. Zack had never been so ecstatic. On his way home he couldn't stop thinking about it. The Drew Crew had asked him to play basketball with him of all people! He couldn't wait to tell Cody.

* * * 

Meanwhile, Cody was walking home on his way home from Algebra Club. He met a few new friends while he was there, and he started to have hope for his seventh grade year. As he was walking down the sidewalk to the Tipton, he noticed something across the street. Drew was across the street, watching him. Drew made a gesture to him, moving his hand across his neck and the pointing to his backpack, warning Cody. Cody then hurried has way back to the Tipton before Drew decided to cross the street and remind him of their talk from the hallway earlier that day. As he thought about it, he started to worry about tomorrow...

[   A/N Leave some reviews as you read! I'd love to read them - And also, this was just an intro; and yes, it was a little rushed lol it gets better :) ]

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora