Chapter 8: In the Night

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Zack went down the elevator and went straight to Maddie's candy counter.

"Maddie Maddie, have you seen Cody?"

"What, no Sweet Thang  today?"

"This is serious Maddie. I think he's upset with me; like really really upset."

"Esteban saw him go to the game room."

"Thanks, Maddie."

Zack sprinted to the game room, making sure not to be spotted by Mr. Moseby.

Once Zack walked into the game room, he saw his brother sitting against the Pac-Man machine, with his knees brought up to his face with his arms wrapping around. He was crying.

"Uh, Cody?" Zack began. Cody didn't answer

Zack sat down next to his brother, putting his arm around his younger brother.

"Cody I care about you more than anyone else on earth, you know that?"

"N-No you don't!" Cody said, half talking half crying.

"Yes I do! Me and you are the same Cody, how could I not?" Zack questioned.

"We're not the same! I get picked on at school for no reason, and everyone loves you. We, ARE NOT, the same Zack; You don't even care about me―" Cody was blubbering; hysterically.

"Cody I do care about you. I know I don't say it a lot but that's because I have to stay strong; for you. I know you're the sensitive one and that means I have to be the one to always be strong. I care about you more than anyone else―And I mean that Codes. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have a twin; There can't be Zack without Cody."

Cody finally looked up at his brother. He wiped his eyes.

"You mean that? You're not just here because Mom made you??"

"No Cody, Never. Twins Come First"


Zack helped his brother up and helped him stop crying before they went back to the lobby.

"You know Cody, Mom's cooking tonight since she has no rehearsals. You wanna go get pizza?"

Cody finally stopped crying and let out one last sniffle before he gave his answer.


* * *

Cody was walking through the hallway of his school to his first period. Class was to start in five minutes. As he was passing the boys bathroom, a hand pulled him in violently. Three of Drew's friends pulled him in and then shoved him into Drew.

"Hello Cody." Drew said. Drew held the small blonde boy next to him by his collared shirt.


"I heard that you went to Mr Hill's office and told him to tell my mom what happened behind the Deli. Know anything about that?"

"What? I never d-did that Drew." Cody stuttered.

"Then how about you tell me why I'm grounded until summer, Sherlock Codes." Drew said wickedly.

Something about today was different. Drew literally had no variations in his voice; every word he said was monotone. It send chills down Cody's spine.

"I didn't tell him anything Drew. And I never told anyone about anything you've ever done; ever." Cody said.

Drew blinked and the whites of his eyes became black; his whole eye becoming dark.

"Y'know Cody I don't like liars. You know what I do to liars?"


"I kill liars."

Drew slammed Cody into the wall of the bathroom stall and waited until Cody was looking at him before he reached in his pocket. He pulled out a knife.

"Woah, Drew; take it easy," one of his friends said.

"Shut up!"  he yelled back.

Drew eyed Cody down.

"Please Drew, don't!" Cody started. A single tear fell down his right cheek.

"Why shouldn't I?" Drew said as he inched closer to Cody.

Cody thought of Zack and sprinted towards the exit of the bathroom. He made it to the exit of the bathroom and looked into the hallway; the edge of the bathroom looked out into the abyss of space. Stars and galaxies littered Cody's vision as he questioned what was even happening. There was no way out―The bathroom was literally floating in space. Cody turned back around to Drew staring at him; his eyes darker than the black of space.

"Game's over Cody."

Drew lunged at Cody with the knife.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!" Was the last thing Cody said in his dream; his nightmare.

He awakened and sat up in his bed. There was thunder and lightning outside. Cody always hated the thunder; it freaked him out. He looked over to his brother's bed―he was fast asleep. Cody clutched his blankie in his hands as he got up and made his way to his brother's bed. He saw his twin brothers chest moving up and down slowly; he was knocked out. He gently tapped his brother on his shoulder, making sure not to scare or startle him.

"Z-Zack?" He whispered.

His brother twitched his nose before he made a noise.

"Hmm, hmm?"

"I had a nightmare; can I sleep on this side of the room?"

Zack came to full consciousness as he saw his identical twin standing right next to where he was sleeping holding his blue blankie.

"Yeah, of course."

Zack grabbed a beanbag and dragged it to the side of his bed. He hopped off of his own bed and went to lay down on the beanbag.

"You can have my bed Codes."


"Sure buddy."

It was moments like this when Zack immediately didn't think of making fun of his brother. He knew in this time, he had to be there for him. Twins Come First.

"Thanks Zack."

Cody curled up in a ball-like thing on Cody's bed and slowly began to drift asleep. It took about twenty minutes for him to completely fall asleep, especially with the thunder clapping every two minutes. 

"Cody?" Zack said into the night

No answer. 

Zack made sure his brother was completely asleep before he closed his eyes for good. Even though he never told Cody to his face ever, he really cared about his younger twin. All that was on Zack's mind that night was who hurt his brother. 

Who was giving him nightmares?

Who was beating him up at school?

Who was breaking him physically and emotionally?

Who made his brother cry?

Zack clenched his fists tight as he fell asleep on the beanbag, right next to Cody.

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now