Chapter 2: The Plan

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Cody was at the kitchen table in the suite doing his homework when Zack got back from the park.

"Hey Cody! A High School Dance team is checking into the hotel for the next three days. Wanna go to the lobby and check out our new guests,"  Zack said, a grin growing on his face.

"I'm alright Zack. Plus Mr. Moseby will get upset with us," Cody replied.

"Come on Cody, big picture here! These are high school girls!" he cried in return.

"I can't Zack. How about later today?" he asked

Zack got up from the couch and started walking towards his brother. 

"You OK, Cody?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you're doing Science homework with your math textbook out. What's up?" Zack tried again.

"Oh, oops." He tried to play it off with a light chuckle. "I'm just a little nervous for my biology test in first hour tomorrow." Cody said. 

"Does that mean I have a test tomorrow too?" Zack thought to himself.

Zack put a hand on Cody's shoulder. 

"Here, my first hour tomorrow is Social Studies and I have a test as well. How about we go down for a little bit and then we can both come up and study for our tests together." Zack said. Cody thought about it for a little bit. He saw how excited his brother was and made his decision.

"Ok, ok."

* * *

Zack and Cody stepped out of the elevator and instantly, Zack thought it was way better than he imagined. In the lobby of theTipton were almost 20 different girls.

"Alright Ladies, how does the 23rd floor sound. You can see the whole city of Boston from up there." Mr. Moseby said. All of the dancers got excited.

"We love it!" They said. 

Zack turned to his brother. 

"Cody, Cody! They're going to be on our floor!" Zack said. Cody matched his enthusiasm as Zack ran to the candy counter to go talk to Maddie.

"Hey Sweet Thang" Zack uttered. 

"Let me guess, you're already thinking about some plan to talk to the dance team over there." Maddie said, making Zack freeze.

"Ha-ha, nooooo. You're the only one I care about, Maddie." Zack tried to sound confident in his answer. 

"Sure Zack. Tell me that in 10 years and maybe I'll take you up on that," Maddie said smiling, as she turned back around and started organizing more of the candy.

Zack along with Cody walked over to one of the couches where Zack saw a cute girl. 

"I'm Zack, what's your name beautiful?" He started to say.

"Ah-Ah-Ah. Not today Zack. These guests are here for the next few days for a competition, not to talk to juveniles." Mr. Moseby said. The girl started laughing.

"I'll see you around. I'm Avery." said the new girl. Mr. Moseby looked at Zack condescendingly.

"Don't get any ideas, Mr Martin―Martins," Mr. Moseby said, noticing Cody behind him.

"You don't have to worry about us sir. Come on Zack, let's go." Cody said. Mr. Moseby scared him a little for some reason.

Cody basically dragged his brother back to the elevator so they could go back up to their suite. When they walked back in, Zack went to the couch and started to turn on a video game. 

"Wanna play Cody?"

"But Za―"

"Pleaaaaaase Cody, It just came out and I need a partner to beat the Alien Ninja Gorilla Boss! It'll only be an hour," Zack promised.

"Ok fine." Cody said.

They started playing and eventually played until it got dark out and their Mom got back from her show. It was around 9PM.

"I'm back!" Carey said. The boys quickly got off of the game when they heard the door open and ran to their room. When Carey heard no answer she crept to her sons' room and quietly opened the door. Zack and Cody were praying their Mom did not come inside and investigate. 

"Good night boys," she whispered as she left the room. Zack and Cody looked at each other relieved. 

"Night Zack."

"Night Cody"

* * * 

It was the next morning when Cody woke up early to finish the rest of his homework. He grabbed a muffin before going back into his room to wake up Zack. They both showered and met their Mom back in the main room. 

"Have a good day today boys," Carey said.

"We will."

As they stepped out the door, Zack saw Avery on her way back to her room.

"Hey Avery! Did yo―" 

"Come on Zack," Cody said, pulling his brother to the elevator.

"I'll see ya later today Avery," Zack said. She let out a light giggle.

On the bus, Zack lectured his brother.

"Alright Cody, when I'm trying to talk to a hot babe, next time at least let me finish my line." Zack said.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry. I just didn't want to be late for my science test today." Replied Cody.

"I get you love your school so much, but priorities man!" Zack said, putting an arm around his twin. 

The Bus eventually arrived at the school and they both hopped out. They walked in and walked down the hall together. As Zack was walking he remembered about his Social Studies test, and he began to get nervous.

"Oh shoot!"

"What Zack?"

"My test!" Zack uttered.

As Zack made it to his room, he saw he had a substitute teacher. A grin started to grow on his face, and Cody noticed.

"Please tell me you're not thinking of some scheme to get out of your test," said Cody.

"Nooooo.." Zack started. "I've already made one. Cody can you do me a huge favor?"

"What is it?"

"My teacher is gone today, and it still says there's a test on the board. How about you go to my class and be 'Zack Martin' and I'll go to yours and be 'Cody Martin.'" Zack said, making air quotes as he explained the plan.

"I can't do that! The teacher will obviously know I'm not you" Cody said back.

"Not if we're identical twins," said Zack.

"I can't Zack, I'm sorry." Cody stated.

"Why not. Pleaseee," he begged. "You always get A's on test and for once I want to bring one home for Mom" 

"Are you sure you can be me?" Cody asked.

"Easy. Answer every question the teacher asks and not say a word otherwise." Zack replied. Cody looked down. He looked sad all of a sudden.

"Relax Codes, I'm just kidding. I'll be good. Plus, it's only for an hour; how hard can it be" Zack said confidently. 

"Ok ok. But please don't get 'me' in trouble" Cody said. Cody had forgotten about what Drew said yesterday.

"Cody you're the best!" Zack said, as he ran off to find Cody's first hour class. 

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now