Chapter 16: Reparations

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 Zack dragged his brother off and away to another picnic table. He sat him down gently and took a seat right next to him.

"Cody you need to be honest with me." Zack told his brother. "I refuse to let this go on any longer; this ends, now." He said.

Cody for the first time in a while looked into his brother's eyes. Zack thought his brother's eyes looked―hurt.

"Cody. Has Drew been beating you up at school." Zack asked sternly. Cody didn't answer him out loud, but he shook his head yes slowly.

"Has Luke ever hurt you ever?"

Cody shook his head no. Zack's face looked broken.

"f-for how long c-codes?"

"s-since the beginning of the school year" Cody finally said.

Zack sighed. His worst fear had came true. Cody was being hurt and he was too afraid to tell him.

How Cody?

Zack looked back towards his brother.

"Come on Cody, Let's go get Luke. I have something I need to do."

"Zack?" Cody began.

Before Cody could ask his brother what, he pulled him back to the others and addressed Luke.

"Luke, we have to go."

"Where to?"


Luke nodded and the three of them headed to the sidewalk. Cody tagged along behind them. Deep down, he didn't know how this was going to end; especially for him.

* * *

When the three of them got to Drew's house, he was out in the street with Adam.

"Drew!" Zack yelled once he got close enough to him. Drew turned around and saw the twins with Luke.

"Yo, Drew, look who it is," said Adam, pointing at the three of them.

"Luke?  Why are you with the clones?" Drew asked, confused.

"Don't worry about it," he replied before Zack continued talking.

"Hey! I'm talking to you. Did you mess with my brother?" Zack demanded.

"What are you talking about Z." Drew said.

"Don't play dumb with me Drew. Why does my brother's eye have a purple circle around it?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Martin." Drew replied.

"Cut the crap Drew," Luke said. Drew turned his gaze towards him.

"Like I said, Luke, I have no idea what you're talking about." He said in return. "Isn't that right Adam?"

"Y-Yeah man, you're crazy," Adam said. Zack's face turned red, like he wanted to punch a hole through Drew's face. He walked up to him so they were facing toe to toe.

"I know it was you, Drew," Zack said sternly. "Now you answer to me." 

Drew snickered. Luke walked up too and stepped behind Zack.

"It's over Drew." Luke agreed.

"What did you just say to me?"  Drew asked, his face starting to boil. Just then his mom stepped out onto the porch.

"Dinner's ready Andrew, come on in; tell your friends you'll see them later." His mom said then went back inside.

Drew stepped up to Zack and Luke.

"I'll see you both tomorrow at school." He said matter of factly. Then he pointed at Cody.

"And you—you can only hide for so long." Drew said. After he said it, Zack pushed him away from the three of them.

"Touch him ever again Drew, and you'll regret ever stepping foot on this earth." Zack said solidly. Luke's face agreed with Zack. For the first time ever, Drew felt nervous, but he didn't let it show on the outside.

"If you say so Martin," Drew said as he went inside. Adam began his walk home when he heard his name called from the small group and stopped.

"Hey!" Luke called out to his former friend, "Same applies to you; leave him alone from now on, and me and you won't have any issues," Luke said, setting a reassuring hand on Cody's shoulder.

"I won't bother him anymore Luke," He replied as he continued walking home. Zack turned to his brother. Cody finally said something after the encounter. He always turned into a whole different person when Drew was around.

"Thanks guys. I'm sorr—" He began before Zack cut him off with a hug.

"You don't have to apologize for anything; it's not your fault." Zack said. When Zack finally let go, Luke extended his hand to Cody for a fist bump.

"You don't ever have to worry about him again little dude." Luke said. Cody returned his fist bump and a smile started to form on his face; a genuine one that neither Zack nor Luke had seen for weeks now. When Luke took his hand back, he was caught by surprise when Cody stepped up to him and wrapped his arms around his torso. For the first time in a while, Cody felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Thanks Luke."

Luke patted Cody on the back.

"Not a problem." Luke said.

Cody let go and then walked back next to his brother.

"Alright Luke, me and Cody are gonna go back home. Thanks for your help today." Zack said.

"Don't mention it," Luke said with a small chuckle. "I'll see you tomorrow clones," he said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah," Zack said in return. 

* * *

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now