Chapter 7: The Parking Lot

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"You know Martin this is astounding. This is now three times you haven't done what I've asked." Drew said.

"Drew I didn't tell anyone I-I promise." 

"I think I'm passed the point of talking Cody."

Drew grabbed Cody's arm and forced him away from the bike. He took him to an empty and abandoned parking lot behind the store and once again, Cody found himself pushed with his back against the wall.

"Do you recall what I told you the last time talked?" Drew said.

Cody was about to reply but was shoved onto the ground.

"Eh what the hell; talking doesn't seem to get the point across with you." Drew said.

Drew grabbed him off the ground and pulled him back up.

"D-Drew, i'm s-sorry."

He finished picking him up and grabbed a fistful of Cody's shirt, shoving him up against the brick wall. Drew saw the blue-ish purple bruise just above Cody's waist under his shirt.

"What happened to your stomach there?" Drew asked sarcastically. Cody's words were starting to become weaker and weaker.

"What have I ever done to you? W-Why me?" Cody begged.

"Because you can't listen. And if your brother can't tell you how terrible of a person you are, well then. I guess it has to me then." Drew pulled his fist back and sent it flying towards Cody's face, but he stopped it just short. 

"Look at yourself Martin."

Cody was defenseless, and his hands were in front of his face; he flinched at Drew's fake punch.

"You. Are. Pathetic." Drew continued. 

Cody thought back to his talk with his brother on the couch. He didn't know what made him say what he said next. 

"No I'm n-not."

"What did you just say?"

"I'm n-not pathetic."

Cody tried his best to push Drew away from him. Drew backed up a step or two. He started laughing. 

"You know Cody I didn't think you had it in you! How about we do it for real this time, Yeah?"

Drew walked towards Cody and punched him on the side of his face; hard. Cody fell down and hit his head on the ground of the parking lot. He was fading out of consciousness. Drew picked him by his collar again and held him straight in the air so they were eye level. Cody's arms and legs were just dangling, as he tried his best to keep his head focused on what Drew was saying.

"If you kept your mouth shut about the alley, we wouldn't be here right now." He said without a drop of emotion. 

Cody's ears were ringing and he could see four Drew's. He was fading.

"Your brother doesn't love you. Your parents don't. Nobody in this world does. And it will stay that way. Forever." Drew uttered.

Drew could see Cody was about to black out.

"If you left this world today. No one would care. Why do you think no one came here to save you, hmm?"

Drew dropped Cody from the air onto the ground and walked away. Cody couldn't move. His world was fading slowly. As he passed out, not a single thought protruded in his mind.

* * *

When Cody woke up, he didn't know what time it was. He inched towards his bike. His bag with the fillets was gone. He couldn't process any more emotion; he cried his last tear back there on the pavement.

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now