Chapter 4: The Promise

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The final bell of the day rang. Zack ran out of his sixth period and went straight towards his locker. After shoving all his stuff in his locker, he ran towards the Gym and got there as the rest of the team and Drew's friends got there.

"What's up boys?" Said Zack.

"What's Up Z," a few of them said

I even got my own nickname,  Zack thought to himself.

"Let's hoop!"

* * *

Cody slowly made it to his locker. On his way from his last hour, he saw Drew's grade posted; a 62%. He felt deflated on the inside. Why had Drew said no one will be there? What was he planning to do to me?

He slowly inched towards the library. There was no getting out of this. He arrived and opened the door to the library. Once he looked inside he noticed Drew was right; nobody was there, including Drew. He fully walked in and looked around the library. No one was there. He slowly sat down at a table and waited for ten minutes. No one ever came. 

"Hello?" He asked to the empty library. No reply.

Cody got up to leave the library when the door opened wide; Drew. Cody sat there, frozen. Drew closed the door and walked over to where Cody was sitting, making sure not to break eye contact with the younger twin. Cody noticed Drew didn't have his science stuff; he didn't even have his backpack. 

Oh No, he thought to himself as Drew sat down right next to him; calmly. 

"So Martin. What do you suppose we should do about this?"

"Listen Drew, I'm really sorry about this morning, I truly am." Cody said, as flashbacks from the bathroom slowly started to re-enter his mind. 

"I have a question for you Cody." Drew stated.


"Do you see anyone else in here with us?"


Cody could sense what was about to happen and he braced for it. Drew grabbed Cody's shirt and just as he was about to do it, the door opened. 

"Oh, hey boys," said the librarian. 

"Hi Mrs. Graham," Drew said quickly, while letting go of Cody. "Me and my friend Cody were just about to go. We'll see you tomorrow"

"Okay Hun, bye now."

Drew forced Cody up and began to talk to him quietly. 

"We're gonna take a little walk to the park. If you try to run or do anything stupid, you'll only make it worse for yourself. Do you understand?"


They both left the Library and walked out of the school and down the sidewalk. Cody thought about running away a few times, but every single time he did, he was reminded of Drew's promise.

If you try to run or do anything stupid, you'll only make it worse for yourself.

Cody thought about what Zack would do. They were about to make it to the park, and about two blocks further, was the Tipton. In a split second decision, he made a run for it. As he passed the park he turned around and realized Drew wasn't chasing after him. He just stood there right on the sidewalk; not moving. Cody was one block away from the Tipton as he ran passed an alley. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed him, forcing him to stop; it was two of Drew's friends. They grabbed him and walked him back towards the alley. Cody saw Drew begin walking again and his heart sank. 

Why couldn't you be as fast as your brother. You are twins after all. Even though we act nothing like it sometimes...

Drew eventually made it to the alley and saw Cody there along with his two friends, each holding one of his shoulders against the brick wall. There was no getting out of this one; not even the librarian could save him. His mind kept repeating the same four words.

Where are you Zack?

"You know Codes, I really thought you were smarter than that." Drew said, sending chills down Cody's spine. Only Zack had called him by that nickname; ever since they were four years old.

"Let go of him guys," said Drew.  

Drew's friends let him go and moved to stand behind Drew. Drew grabbed the short blonde boy and threw him onto the ground, instantly followed by a strong kick in his stomach.

"Get up! Now!" Drew commanded. 

All Cody wanted to do was cry as he lay there on the pavement of the alley. 

"I'm going to miss the first two weeks of Basketball because of You! He yelled. 

Cody slowly got back up on his feet.

"I-I know, it's my f-fault. I'm s-s-sorry Drew." Cody stammered, trying not to cry.

"Sorry doesn't get me back on the team now does it Codes?" Drew returned.

He then grabbed Cody's face and shoved it into the brick wall, holding it there. His cheek was pressed up against the harsh brick building; his tears began to stain the wall. Drew whispered in Cody's ear.

"I thought I was clear when I said, do not run, you will only make it worse."

He pulled Cody into the air by his collar. 

"But that's what you do Martin; make things worse. You don't deserve to be Zack's brother you know that?" Said Drew. 

He then threw Cody back on the pavement again―this time he landed on his knee, and he scraped it badly. Cody couldn't keep the pain in this time, and started crying once his knee starting bleeding. 

"Get up Martin! I'm not asking again!" Drew yelled, becoming more angry. Drew's friend Adam, placed a hand on Drews shoulder.

"I think that's enough Drew," he said. then the other one piped in.

"Yeah man, let's go."

Drew kneeled down next to the blonde boy.  

"Since you didn't listen to me last time, let me be perfectly clear; you tell a soul about what happened here or who did this, I promise you, you will wish you were never born. Got it?"

His words were cold. Cody could only manage a few words. 

"i w-won't tell. anyone." Cody said, tears in his eyes.


With one last kick to Cody's stomach, Drew and the two others left. All Cody felt in that moment was pain. The only thing that hurt worse than what had just happened to him was the fact that he didn't stand up for himself. It stung him hard. 

Zack would've done something. You just sat there and let it happen Cody. This is why Zack calls you a wimp.

No one came looking for him for the next hour. He figured Zack would be back home from basketball by now. He was saddened that no one was worried about him. 

Was Drew right about me?

He found the strength to stand back up, and limped back to the Tipton. 

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu