Chapter 10: Drew's Revenge

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When School began on Tuesday, Zack went out of his way to go and find his basketball teammate. He knew Drew knew about the frisbee, but he didn't know his own twin brother was seen unconscious in a parking lot by some random high schooler. The kids name was Mitchell and he said Zack could always find him in the park. Zack eventually saw him at the end of the day walking towards the gym.

"Hey Drew, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure, what up Z," he said back.

"That weird kid from the park, he didn't mess with Cody at all did he? When he got his frisbee?"


"Okay, this might sound weird but.." Zack paused before he continued. "Drew do you and Cody get along? I know he's kind of―"

"Me and your brother are fine. Ask him yourself he'll tell you." Drew said coldly. He then went inside the gym. Zack stood there for a little bit before he finally left.

Zack met his brother on the bus ride back to the hotel. Cody was already sitting in his spot near the front of the bus when Zack hopped on. Instead of going to the back, he sat down with his brother.

"Cody I've got to ask you something."

"Yeah Zack?"

"Do you and Drew get along?" Zack asked. 

Cody paused at the question. Cody so badly wanted to answer the question truthfully; it was his other half after all―but he couldn't. The predicament Cody was in was a strange one. He wanted to tell his brother but that just wasn't an option. If he were to tell him, Zack would go to Drew and then the Drew Crew would traumatize them both all year. Cody was staying strong for his brother; every punch, every kick, every time he felt afraid for his life at the hands of Drew, he did it all for his brother; because he loved him. Zack had been so good to him and Cody felt like he had nothing to provide for Zack. He was even nice enough to let him go to the park with him; even when he was acting like a baby crying in the hotel, Zack came. He slowly started to remember Drew's hateful words―you're pathetic. You're nothing. No one loves you. He couldn't bring his brother down with him. He looked back towards his brother.

"Yeah, He's actually been really nice to me since you guys started h-hanging out." Cody said.

Zack looked into his brother's eyes―like he was entering his soul.

"Alright then, buddy." Zack said. He gave his brother a pat on the shoulder and got up and went to the back of the bus. Cody started thinking to himself again.

I suffer so much just to make Zack happy. That's all I care about; making him happy. He deserves it―so I don't mind doing it for him.

* * *

"I'm going to the park mom!" Cody yelled. Zack was in the lobby talking to Maddie.

"Okay hun! Be back before dinner okay? Love you!" Carey said.

"Will do Mom." Cody said before leaving. It was 3pm.

Cody went down the elevator and started his walk to the park. He was looking for the strange high schooler that was so nice to him the other day; he needed to talk to him again. Once he arrived, he went to the field where he played with the frisbee before―no luck. He checked the play structures and the picnic tables; There was nothing. He sighed and started to walk back towards the sidewalk to the hotel. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a car pull into the lot with four people in it. Cody got excited; he was ready for the same high schoolers to get out the car. The door opened and three people got out. Cody's eyes widened; it was Drew and two members of the Drew Crew; Adam and Luke. Drew's mom was dropping him off at the park. She turned around to drive away just as Drew spotted Cody standing frozenly stiff; like a dear in the headlights. Cody snapped out of it and started running. Drew started chasing him, and his two friends followed. Cody was running as fast he could. He quickly thought of a solution since he couldn't outrun them: I can make it to the woods, and lose them in there. He bolted towards the trees and started running off the trail. He took a left turn and hopped over a branch; as he did this he looked behind them. He had lost them.

Twins Come First - 𝒮𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now