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'What do you mean Malfoy's head boy!?' Ron is standing before me, his face showing his horror and anger. Harry and Ginny are still sitting down but they also look shocked to hear my news.

'Are you sure Hermione?' Harry asks me, perplexed, 'I mean after all that he's done... McGonagall wouldn't...'

'She has,' I assure him, 'don't ask me why because she didn't tell me. All that I know is that I'm going to have to spend a lot more time with him than I would like.'

Ron makes to walk out of the compartment but I stand in his way.

'Where are you going?'

'I'm going to see McGonagall about this. She must be out of her mind, we can't have Malfoy as head boy. You shouldn't have to even look at traitorous ferret again.'

'Ron there's nothing you can do. I'm sure that McGonagall knows what she's doing, we just have to trust her. Nothing you can do will be able to change her mind.'

For a minute Ron looks like he's just going to barge past me anyway but then he lets out a long breath, trying to calm himself, and sits back down in his seat. I relax a little bit as well and sit down opposite him.

It is not long before the sky grows dark outside and silence descends upon our group. Ron sits, just scowling at the wall, probably dreaming up all the ways he could kill Malfoy. Harry gazes out the window, and from the look on his face, I'd say that he is remembering happier times, something that can be both pleasant and painful at the same time. Ginny is asleep on Harry's shoulder and he absentmindedly plays with her hair. Her very presence calms him. They are the perfect couple. Sometimes I wish I had someone in my life who would have that effect on me but I haven't found them yet.


Eventually, the train begins to slow down, signalling that we are about to arrive at Hogsmeade station.

When the train comes to a complete stop, we leave our trunks in the carriage just like we do every year, leave our compartment and walk down the corridor. It is almost as though everything is the same, but of course it's not, everything is different

Together, the four of us step off the train and we breathe in the cool night air mixed with the smoke from the steam engine. Hagrid stands at the end of the platform, a lantern swinging from his hand.

My breath catches in my throat and I have to clutch Harry's arm for support. All the other times that I have stepped off this train and on to this platform come flooding into my mind: my first year when I had no idea who my friends were going to be, second year when I was worried about where Ron and Harry were because, as it turned out, they had somehow flown that car to school. All the memories of times when I stepped off onto this platform and I was happy and whole, only serve to point out that now I am broken and in pieces.

I feel Harry give my shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze. 'It's ok Hermione, we're going to be ok.'

His words bring me from my daze and I remember that I am supposed to be helping students find where they are going.

'First years to the tall man with the lantern,' I call over the heads of the students, 'everyone else to the end of the platform where you will find your way to the carriages.' I call out a few more times telling the students where they should go whilst following Harry, Ron and Ginny down to the other end of the platform. When we make it to where the carriages are waiting to take us up to the school I stop walking.

'You go on ahead,' I tell the others 'I think I'm supposed to make sure everyone makes it onto the carriages alright and I think I should probably talk to those two over there.' I nod in the direction of two small girls who look like they'd be in second year who seem to be arguing with each other.

'Ok we'll see you later then Hermione,' Harry says and the three of them get into the next carriage.

I walk over to the two second-year girls. As I get closer I can hear what they're saying.

'What do you mean you can't see it,' says the slightly taller girl with jet black hair, 'it's right there,' she points to the intimidating, skeletal horse that is pulling one of the carriages.

'There's nothing there Bec,' the other girl has a worried look on her face, 'you must be imagining things.'

The first girl, who must be Bec, starts looking around her as if to find someone who will come and tell her that she's not insane. Then she sees me and her jaw drops open.

'You're Hermione Granger aren't you?' she says in a small voice.

'Yes I am,' I say, doing my best to smile kindly at the girl.

'Can you see them? Am I going mad? Please tell me you can see them too.'

'Yes, I can see them, you're not going mad.'

'Why can't I see them,' The second girl interrupts me.

I look into her eyes, they are so innocent. I take a deep breath not knowing how to word this.

'The only people who can see the Thestrals, that's what they're called, are people who have seen death.'

'Oh,' both girls form the same, circular shape with their mouths and looks of realisation cross their faces.

'Because of the war, there are a lot more people who have seen people die.  You can only see them because...' I trail off, not wanting to say it.

'It was my brother,' she replies in a small, suddenly hoarse voice. 'The death eaters came and my parents weren't home. I hid in the cupboard. They couldn't see me but I could see them.' She closes her eyes and starts to rock from side to side as if she's trying to shake the memory from her body. Her next words come in quiet sobs. 'They asked him where our parents were and he said they were out. Then they asked him if there was anyone else at home. He told them there wasn't and then, then they killed him.' Then she just starts sobbing into her hands and it hits me that she is only 12 years old yet already her life has been torn apart by a war that she didn't even take part in.

I step towards her and put my arms around her. I don't try to tell her that it's ok because it's not. I don't tell her that everything will be fine because I can't promise her that. So I just hold her there for a while and try to stay strong myself.

After a few moments, she looks up at me. she still has tears in her eyes but she's holding them inside her. Trapping them and locking them up. She knows they'll come out eventually but not here, not now.

'Thank you,' She says to me. I give her a smile and watch as she gets into a carriage and it drives off.

By now there is almost no one left. I look around to see if there is anyone still there. The only other person still waiting is Malfoy, and he is staring at me.

'What are you looking at Malfoy.'

'Nothing,' he says shifting his gaze. 'We should probably get this last carriage,' he points to the carriage that is waiting patiently for us. There's only one. I guess I'll just have to put up with him until we get to Hogwarts.

We both climb up into the carriage and take our seats. I sit facing forward and he is opposite me. I stare out the window, my eyes searching for a glimpse of the school that I love. The two of us sit in silence but I like it that way.

Then I see it. The majestic stone walls that have stood for so many years, capturing memories of all the events that took place inside them. Suddenly I blink and I see the walls, not standing strong as they should be, but crumbling. Flames leap through the air and a ringing fills my ears. But it's not ringing; it's screaming.

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