Just Talking

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'Someone's happy this morning,' Ginny says as I sit down at the Gryffindor table. She obviously noticed the smile on my face that hasn't been there for a very long time.

'She's probably excited about all the work we're going to have to do today,' Ron teases.

I roll my eyes at him but I'm grateful that I don't have to provide any further explanation. It's funny that a simple conversation, with someone who I never expected to speak to again, has made me feel so happy. I can't even explain to myself why I suddenly feel like this.

'They should be handing out the timetables soon,' I say, changing the topic, as I take some toast and start to butter it. Not a moment after I have said this, the heads of house stand up from the teachers' table and each collect a stack of parchment from McGonagall.

'Who's the fourth teacher?' Ron asks us as he cranes his neck to get a better view. Flitwick, Sprout and Slughorn are obviously representing Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin but the witch who must be representing Gryffindor is unfamiliar.

'I don't recognise her,' says Harry, ' and I wasn't paying attention when the new teachers were introduced last night.'

I don't really want to admit that I hadn't been paying attention either. Even with my close friends I like to keep up my reputation for being the one who always is paying attention and knows what I'm talking about so I keep my mouth shut hoping someone else knows who she is.

'Oh that's Professor Carter,' Ginny says, 'she's teaching defence against the dark arts and she's the new head of Gryffindor house. McGonagall said she used to be an Auror so hopefully she'll be a good teacher.

By now the tall witch has almost made it to where we are sitting and we can look at her properly. She looks like she is in her fifties and she has a scar crossing her right cheek.

When she sees the four of us her eyes linger on each of our faces but she does not openly stare. She gives each of us our timetables and she talks to us quickly and politely, making sure we understand our timetables.

When we have all received our timetables we immediately check them to see who else is in our first class.

'I have arithmancy first,' I say with a sigh, I know that no one else is taking arithmancy.

 'Well Ron and I have Herbology,' says Harry looking over Ron's shoulder at his timetable.

'I've got care of magical creatures,' Says Ginny, 'and we better go soon if we want to get our books.  That reminds me, Hermione, why didn't you come back to Gryffindor tower last night?'

'Oh well I've got my own dormitory you see because I'm a head prefect,' I say slowly.

'Oh, you are so lucky that you get a special common room because you're head girl.  But does Malfoy get one too?  Or... you don't have to share a common room with him do you?'

'Yeah,' I admit with a shrug

'Oh Hermione it must be awful to have to share a common room with Malfoy.'

'You what?!' Ron splutters loudly through a mouthful of food.  The people around us start to turn to look at us.

'It's not like we have to share a room,' I hiss at him.  Now I'm mad.  I don't know what his problem is.

'He's probably going to murder you in your sleep or something,'

'I pretty sure McGonagall wouldn't have let him back in the school if she thought Malfoy was dangerous,' I am almost spitting the words from my mouth.

'He's a bloody death eater Hermione.'

I about to retort back but Harry Interrupts me. 'Um guys we should probably go and get our books for class,' He says trying to prevent a full-scale argument between Ron and me. 

He stands up and starts talking about something different as we walk out but I don't listen.  All I can think about is the fact that I just stood up for Malfoy.


As usual, I arrive early to Arithmancy.  I've kind of always been a bit of a goody-two-shoes who is always early for class and pays attention.  I know it annoys people sometimes but that's probably the one part of me that will never change.

I take a seat at the back of the class, wanting to limit the number of pairs of eyes that look at me for longer than is necessary.  It hasn't even been a day and already the amount of extra attention is getting on my nerves.

The classroom quickly fills up with students.  There are quite a lot of students now as those who were in the year below us were allowed to move up if they passed their exams.  They didn't hold the N.E.W.T exams at all meaning that most of our year, as well as Ginny and about half of the others in her year, are now all in the one grade. 

A few people smile at me and say hello but no one takes the seat next to me.  In fact, most people seem to specifically not want to sit next to me.

The lesson is just about to start when Malfoy walks in.  I had forgotten that he took arithmancy.

By now there are only three seats in the room; one next to me, one next to Pansy Parkinson and one next to a Ravenclaw boy I don't know.  What surprises me is when Malfoy doesn't take the seat next to Pansy but instead, walks to the back of the room and sits down next to me. 

'Do you mind?' He asks politely.

'No,' I give my head a small shake but I don't look at him. 

Everyone has turned in their seats and is staring at us, some are whispering feverishly to their friends.  'What are you all looking at,' I snap at them.  Immediately, they all turn back to the front of the classroom but the whispering continues.  I try to block the noise out of my head by talking to Malfoy.

'Um... why aren't you sitting next to Pansy,' I say, realising right after I've said it that it probably sounds really rude.  Oh well, I've said it now.

'Oh it's a long story...' he trails off.  Then he leans over and whispers in my ear, 'basically she's a bitch.'  He sits back up and gives me a smile.  He has a nice smile and the way his eyes light up...

And just like that, I am smiling again.  It's just a simple conversation.  Just talking.  But I feel like I am floating on a cloud where nothing else matters and everything is perfect.

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