Not Missing the Art

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I yawned and we stopped so that I could crawl off of Kakashi before continuing. “I actually went there a lot over the last year and a half. The first year I was gone, all I did was train, then I went on a mission for Tsunade, then I trained some more while traveling. I had recently gone back to The Land of Beasts to collect my things. My mission and training is done and I needed to stop by Suna to replenish my supplies. Now here we are, seeing as I am the only one who is allowed to be or cause physical harm to Gaara. That tailed beast inside of him trusts me.” The old lady looked at me shocked.

“That is amazing.”

“Yes, well, beasts call to beasts as does bloodlust to bloodlust. I feel that it is just luck that Gaara and I get along so well. I was so much like him when I was younger. I was saved, though,” I told her. She eyed me. “Who the hell are you anyway?” I asked rudely.

“Hitsuki, that is Lady Chiyo!” Sakura scolded. I was about to reply, but Hijuya started talking inside of my head. ‘That woman is still breathing?! She really is old. Tell Her I say hello.’

I sighed, wondering why she couldn’t just say it herself. “Hey, Chiyo, Hijuya Torasu says hey.”

“What do you mean?” she asked with a sharp voice and a narrowing of her eye. “How do you know the Blood Queen?”

“Oh, I am her descendent and she is sealed inside of me. She is pretty chill now, though, so don’t worry about it. She said that she always found you interesting and that your grandson is a pain in the ass that she doesn’t really like. He bet against her in a gambling match and lost terribly. It was great. Though I also lost…we had to chug down some alcohol and then- Actually, I am just going to stop there.”

I felt Kakashi’s gaze on me and the sighed, glaring at him. “Yes, I went on a date, no I don’t care about the guy! I needed information! Quickest way is to ask a drunk guy, that works for the Akatsuki, and will do anything for a set of pretty girls with hot bodies!”

Kyo was laughing inside of my backpack and I sighed. Why am I surrounded by idiots? I looked at Sakura and smiled at her. “Hey, Sakura, you finally look like a real ninja.”

She grinned at me and Hijuya popped out of me, not into her own body, but into mine, talking through me with half control. “You really do. I hope that crazy bitch didn’t work you too hard, though now you are probably one of the best female ninja, seeing as how you were trained by one of the best.”

“Wow, a compliment from the Blood Queen herself, you should feel honored.”

“I would prefer that you just call me Hijuya, Chiyo. I do not like to kill like people think I do.”

“Hey, guys, I think we should camp out now, seeing as how we are so close,” Kakashi says.

“How long was I asleep?” I asked, causing a disapproving glance to be shot my way from multiple people, even Kakashi.

“Two days straight. How long has it been since you slept?”

“Umm….that is a really good question. Since I started my mission a year and a half ago?”

Everyone looked surprised, minus Kakashi, as Kyo spoke up. “Yes, Hitsuki-hime, that sounds about right.”

“Nightmares?” Kakashi asked me softly. I looked at him and nodded.

“Yes, they got so bad that I couldn’t even sleep for a minute without freaking out. Too many memories in my house, along with all of the ones away from there and possibilities of what could happen, I couldn’t sleep. I miss home, though.” I saw a smile on Kakashi’s face, hidden behind his mask. I guess he is glad that I still thought that home was home.

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