An Old Friend, Delicious Meat, and a Promise of Jutsu

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I held a bag in my hands, ticking off needed items in my mind. I had a canteen of water, medical supplies two changes of clothes, plenty of extra weapons sealed into scrolls, food for breakfast and dinner, a blanket, and a lighter. I nodded my head and wrote Kakashi a note and sending it to him by a random black cat – which I never believed that there was one in Konoha, but I found it amusing either way – that said I was waiting at the gates until I was sure of whom I was traveling with.

I teleported to the gates and appeared in a puff of smoke, Izumo and Kotatsu jumping, and was sitting on a table, blinking at them. They both screamed for a minute, Izumo falling out of his chair and dropping the pen he had been messing with. I smiled at them happily. “Hey, guys!”

“Hitsuki,” Kotatsu whined.

“What?” I asked innocently.

“That was not funny!” Izumo growled, jumping up.

“Wasn’t meant to be, simply me appearing. You two are ninja, you should act like it,” I noted.

Izumo opened his mouth to, no doubt, angrily retort when a voice cut him off. “SENSEI!”

I looked up and smiled at my running Genin. “They let you teach?” a horrified Izumo muttered.

“Hey,” I said, glaring at him as he smirked, “At least I don’t have to guard a gate.”

He growled and lunged at me to strangle me. I easily jumped off the table, snickering as his face slammed into it and he slid to the ground while Kotatsu stifled his laughter, clutching at his stomach, as he covered his mouth. “Sensei!” Tsubaki grinned, hugging me happily.

“So, you are coming or your parents let you?” I asked.

“Parent,” Mashiro nodded, stuffing hands in his pocket.

“Reluctant but understanding parents,” Kei said, a slight grimace on his face.

“Dad,” Tsubaki smiled. “But, we should leave before my mom finds out I actually am leaving.”

“Right,” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Does she know where we are going?”

“No, none of our parents do. We lied and said the Land of Tea,” Kei said.

“Though my mom doesn’t believe me,” Mashiro said.

“Alright, check off. Do you have medical equipment, sleeping bag, some food, weapons, clothes and water?” I asked. Mashiro nodded, Tsubaki agreed after a moment, and Kei slapped his forehead. “What did you forget?” I asked.

“Medical equipment,” he muttered.

“I really am glad that you decided not to become a medical ninja,” I sighed.

“Tsunade is actually letting you leave?” Izumo asked as he rubbed his forehead, Kotatsu pouting with a bump on his head that had me smirking at him. I nodded. “No offense to you, but why would she actually let you leave?”

“Because she would have left with or without permission,” a lazy voice called.

A grin pulled on my face. “Kakashi!” I said excitedly.

“So this is the fiancé,” Kei nodded, looking at Kakashi with a smirk.

“I know who your future fiancé is if you really want to make fun,” I smirked down at him.

“Who?!” Kei and Tsubaki shouted.

“Not telling,” I sweat-dropped.

“Well, you can actually see the future,” Kakashi said.

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