Goodbyes Are Sometimes Hopeful Beginnings

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I woke up with a pounding headache and almost no memory. I groaned and sat up slowly seeing a glass of water and two Aspirin beside it. I swallowed them down with the water and took the last of my pills. Kakashi wasn’t in the bed anymore, so he was probably already gone. I sighed and got up, taking a hot shower, and pulling on my bandages, a new vest, shorts, and ninja gear.

I teleported to Tsunade’s office and made Jiraiya and her jump in surprise. “Sorry to pop in, but I wanted to talk to you about new medicine before Sakura and Naruto come here to talk about the dead bastard,” I muttered, arms crossed as I stood in front of her.

“So the medicine is starting to lose its kick?” Tsunade asked, folding her fingers together.

“Right. And I need something to last me three more weeks at the least without doubling the amount I need to take, because that is ridiculous and probably dangerous,” I said, running my hand through my hair. “And I have a hangover,” I added as an afterthought.

“Okay, Sakura is actually at the hospital right now, so let’s head over there and send her to get Naruto while I check you out,” Tsunade said, standing up. I nodded and followed her out. “Shizune is going to go and take over Sakura’s shift so they can leave, because, knowing Naruto, they are going after Sasuke’s target once they figure out he isn’t coming back.”

“Itachi. Well, that is a fight I’ll be sad to miss,” I muttered. Itachi will end up dead in the end, either way, because that is what he feels like he deserves. Sometimes, our way of life just isn’t fair. We walked into the hospital just as Sakura was starting to get her charts.

“Sakura,” Tsunade called.

“Lady Tsunade, Hitsuki, what are you doing here?” she asked.

“Saying hi to you for a minute,” I smiled.

“Oh, hi,” she smiled.

“Sakura, Shizune will relieve you of your duty today. I want you to go and bring Naruto to my office. I should be back before you, but I need to talk to Shizune about something,” the blonde woman informed her with a small smile.

“Yes, M’lady,” Sakura nodded and left to do as told after a wave goodbye for me.

“Come along,” Tsunade told me. I followed her to a room and before she even opened her mouth, a coughing fit took over. A lot more blood than normal came out as I collapsed to my knees, wheezing. When it finally ended, my hands were cover in blood, along with the floor and my knees.

“Oh my Kami,” I heard Jiraiya say from behind me as I panted.

“Jiraiya, help her to the bed,” Tsunade instructed.

He helped me up and helped me sit down while I clenched my fists tightly. I had been getting Hijuya to hold back the amounts of blood to keep me from having a fit in the middle of something or freak people out when they see blood dribbling down my chin, but because of that, I have been having coughing fits where I almost can’t breathe. They tend to happen when I am alone and in the shower where the sound of the water can help to drown out the noise.

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