Meet the Demon! Oh, Hey, Three More to the Collection

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Two chapters this week thanks to ILYGaara!!! This chapter is dedicated to my Omouto @darkestangel77 whose story, Mission: Escape Konoha; FAILED! (A Naruto Fanfiction), you should check out!!! Love you sissy!!!

Chise to the side...couldn't get the original picture i wanted of her =>

I woke up groggily, disoriented and now restless. I sat up and rubbed my throbbing head before I had to run and not just cough, but puke up blood. I had held a good amount back and I guess it had built up. I coughed as I finished before going to the sink, after washing the blood and throw-up from the shower, and washed my face.

I grabbed a rag and rubbed my face dry before looking at my reflection with a sigh. “Damn, I’m starting to look like Gaara again,” I muttered before walking out to see Hokuto asleep on the bed I had abandoned. I walk on to the deck to see Kei, Mashiro and Tsubaki all arguing.

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped when I heard the words. “Mashiro, she is sick! We need to go back to the village so that she can get the proper treatments!” Tsubaki shouted over the arguing boys.

“No! Sensei wouldn’t be coming on a mission, one which she told us was personal, if she didn’t need to!” Mashiro growled. “Hitsuki-sensei is a good person and I think that the reason we are even going is to help her with her sickness, as you put it. What if this is that curse she told us about?!”

“That isn’t the point!” Kei shouted, throwing his hands up. “What good is she to us if she gets sick?! She could get hurt, Mashiro!” He said, worry coating his voice. Tsubaki noticed me and tried to get them to shut up. “Like this, she is just weak,” he said quietly, calming down.

“Weak, you say?” I called out, making Kei flinch and everyone face me. They blinked when I disappeared. Mashiro glanced behind them, not surprised. “You doubt me, Kei?” I asked, anger obvious and a threatening edge to my voice. “If I was weak, then how come it takes barely anything to defeat you. I can’t freely use a large amount of chakra, true, but I don’t need chakra to kill you. I used purely speed to move behind you, with chakra to keep me on the water’s surface.”

Hijuya appeared. “Hitsuki, calm down,” she stated.

I turned to send her a harsh look. “No! I do not like being doubted! I have killed people who were difficult to kill and those that were easy! I do not want the training I put into making myself strong, making myself a better Konoha shinobi, to be in vain because of some god damn curse that your husband placed on me!” I screamed, panting before looking at Kei’s wide eyes and grabbing the front of his shirt.

“You listen here, you ungrateful brat, I hold back because if I use up a good amount of chakra, I could lose control of a demon inside of me, my curse mark could spread, or I could die from blood lose, leaving you in danger from people like the Akatsuki who either fear me or wish to possess mine and Hijuya’s powers. If you see me as weak, then I see no reason to teach you,” I hissed, throwing him away.

“Sensei,” Tsubaki started quietly.

“Thank you for worrying about me, but I am perfectly capable of worrying about myself. I would not die so easily and risk hurting Kakashi. He is one of the reasons I fight. He gave me a reason to calm myself, to make myself a better person, because he introduced me to something precious that is called love. You want me to get treatment, I have and it was only enough to help starch the bleeding and those pills I take help as well. Next time, if either of you, or even Mashiro, have something to say about me, then come and say it to my face. Whether you are worried, doubt me, or support me,” I said, running a hand through my hair before appearing on the boat, shocking Tsubaki and Kei, who refused to look me in the eyes now.

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