No Sense of Direction Leads to Jerks...Ironic

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You'll know who that is later but pic on the side is of Eriko....look to that way  if you pleases ->

“Are we there yet?” Kei whined.

“If you do not shut the hell up and quit asking me that, I will rip out your TONGUE!” I growled, glaring at him. “Besides, this is my first time coming to the Land of Dreams and I have only heard tales of a powerful priest and priestess who live here. And, I don’t even know where we are!” I cried, throwing my arms up in the air.

“You’re our sensei! Don’t get us lost!” Kei commanded.

“Kei,” Tsubaki groaned hanging her head.

“I suggest shutting up, before Hitsuki-sensei gets pissed,” Mashiro said, continuing down the trail we had been walking on. “Besides, there is a clearing with a large tree up ahead. We can stop and rest there and I can climb to the top of the tree to see if I can spot a temple.”

“Word of warning, walking up trees and walking on water are two different skills. Trees are constant, water is ever changing, so you must find the correct amount of chakra to make yourself stick, or you will fall or be pushed off,” I said, thinking of when Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura first tried this little stunt, failing for the most part or quickly running out of stamina.

I saw the large tree and walked up to it, sitting on its lowest branch that dipped down to the ground. Tsubaki, Kei, Mashiro, and myself were the only ones on this little trip, Hokuto staying with Fusao to catch up, which I had insisted on.

I sighed and swung my legs back and forth while Mashiro carefully put one foot on the tree before running up it and all the way to the top. I smiled, pride in that smile, and looked to the other two. “Sorry that I’m still a bit useless,” I said.

“You aren’t useless, Hitsuki-sensei, you teach and have taught us too much to ever be considered that,” Tsubaki said, smiling as the wind gently blew, causing our hair to whip about. “You are just in an at-ready stage if you are needed.” I smiled, happily, but looked up when Mashiro called.

“Hey, sensei! I see it! It’s just a few miles north of here!”

“Great!” I called. There was a bit of silence. “Which way is North?!” My students sweat-dropped and sighed before they all pointed. I pouted at them. “It isn’t my fault that I don’t know specific directions,” I grumbled, jumping down. “Mashiro! Come down and we can eat lunch!” I shouted, pulling out the lunch I packed, as well as grabbing my canteen.

“Okay!” he called before letting himself drop from the tree.

“Tch. Show off,” Kei muttered, getting out his food and canteen. Tsubaki coughed to hide her laugh, barley keeping a straight face. “Tsubaki, you aren’t coming down with something, are you?” Kei asked, looking up at her as she coughed, face a bit read from holding her breathe.

“N-no, Kei, not at all,” she said.

“Kids can be so clueless,” I sighed, looking at the twelve or thirteen year olds. “How old are you guys, anyways?” I asked after my thought. “I mean, you are twelve or thirteen, right?” I asked.

Mashiro plopped down beside me as he munched on some rice. “We are all thirteen.”

“But, Mashiro is turning fourteen in the next month or so,” Tsubaki called out.

“Good to know,” I nodded.

“He’s older than us, but wanted to be in the same class,” Kei said.

“He was shy when he was younger,” Tsubaki grinned, sitting out in the sun with Kei.

I smirked and glanced at Mashiro to see an almost invisible scowl and bush. “He still is a little shy,” I remarked. Mashiro looked up at me in surprise, but I turned back to my food. “He rarely talks to anyone and doesn’t walk too close to people he doesn’t know. Since he is smart and a ninja, he can pull it off as being precautionary, but it is just the aftermath of the extreme shyness he had when he was younger, making him somewhat of a reclose.”

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