Curse You Training

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“So, why are you joining this drink?” I asked.

“Don’t want you to drink all of this by yourself when you are sick,” he said, pulling down his mask and sipping at his sake. I stared at him in shock. Many people, ever since I had moved to Konoha, had cared for me in ways I wasn’t used to people doing, and Kakashi was the one who had cared the most. I sipped at my own sake and looked down at my hand.

“Why did you agree to marry me?” I asked, causing him to cough as he choked.

“Wh-what?” he asked, turning to me in surprise.

“Why did you agree to marry an arranged marriage?”

“Good question,” he said, looking up in thought. “I think it was just a feeling.”

“Feeling?” I asked, pouring us both another glass of sake.

He smiled at me. “A feeling that it was the right thing to do.”

“Marrying a murderer is definitely the right thing,” I murmured, looking away.

“Hitsuki,” he said, grasping my chin. “You are not a murderer, Kaname is.”

“I’m glad I fell in love with you,” I whispered.

He kissed my forehead. “So am I, now drink so we can go home,” he sighed. I nodded my head and we ended up drinking the rest of the sake, catching up from what we did, though I kept away from the Akatsuki topic in case people who didn’t need to hear listened. I finished the last glass of the sake and Kakashi smiled before replacing his mask.

“I think that is the only time you have ever gone without your mask,” I noted.

“Not the only time,” he said. Hitsuki shot him a glare as she scooted out of the booth with his help. I felt a smirk grow on his face more than saw it since it was covered up by a mask. “Hey, if you can tease then so can I,” he said, holding up his hands in defense as they walked out of the bar.

I gipped his hand as we walked down the road, heading home and earning stares. “No, you do not. Your stuttering is so much better than mine, and I doubt you can get me to stutter, Kakashi,” I said, sending him a heated look that had him pulling out his book so that he could ignore it. I grinned in triumph.

“One of these days, Hitsuki,” he muttered.

“Not if you hide behind a book,” I said in a sing song voice.

I heard him chuckle. “Inspiration,” he whispered before yanking me into an alley and pinning me to the wall, his book out of sight. I blinked in surprise, not expecting it, and looked up at him. His lips were on mine before I could respond and my eyes fell shut. My arms were above my head, so I couldn’t run them through his silver hair like I loved to do so much. His body pinned mine to the wall and I could feel everything, making me moan. “Hush now,” he whispered against my lips. “We wouldn’t want anyone to hear, now would we.”

I couldn’t even say that I could care less who saw us, because at this point I knew how amazing he was in most aspects. He was an amazing and experienced fighter, a kind and wise man, a protector, and an amazing lover that I wished I would never lose. I had realized all of this in this moment, but I also realized what I had let go, what I needed back, from my time with Orochimaru.

I could move water with a snap of my fingers and I could hear the sea’s lulling voice at times, but I had ignored and abandoned this for the most part when I shouldn’t have. I had missed out on so much that my family had prided itself on and I realized how much my soul craved it, how much I needed it so that I could reconnect to my family.

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