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*toad-worth grabbed bowser and Mario by the ears as he pulled them out of the hallway and into his office there was yelling coming from there as Luigi wanted to know what would happen to Mario and bowser they both came out of toadworth office saying sorry to each other and shaking hands as bowser was about to grab Luigi by the hand mario grabbed luigi and took him to his classroom and talked to him about the whole thing while the students kept reading page 69 they tried to understand the language Mario and Luigi were speaking *

lo amo Mario said, Luigi

avresti potuto amare chiunque altro perché lui said, Mario

*Luigi left the room mad and didn't want to talk to his brother anymore as Luigi was walking back to his office bowser grabbed him into Luigi's office and then put him on the desk and locked the door *

Luigi, we need to talk said bowser

Leave me alone bowser said to Luigi *as he looked away from him *

Please my darling I love you please just listen to me said bowser

*Luigi still didn't look at bowser and he had his arms crossed as bowser kissed luigi on his cheek luigi blushed and tried not to look at bowser but he had a glimpse of his face and bowsers face looked so sad and it looked like he was about to cry but luigi knew that bowser wouldn't cry over this but then he felt water on his shoulder*

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