Chapter 7

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I looked him in the eyes my cool breath mixing with his warm breathe the scent of a cigarette still danced with his breath even though the last cigarette he smoked was two days ago it still lingered.

"Uh hi Logan..." I whispered against his lips mixing my breath with his stained cigarette one.

"Ello mate." He said his lips curling into a crooked smirk.

"Your breathe smells like cigarettes. Wolvey." I snickered as I booped his nose.

"Well I do smoke. So it doesn't surprise me my breathe smells like them." He confirmed me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away with one hand he didn't really move far just two inches away leaving a gap.

He tried refilling it but I kept pushing him back, I was having fun with it then I remembered I had Fortis I went to go check on him and saw he was laying on top of the same green shirt he fought with last night, its good to see they could get along and fall asleep together. I didn't want to wake him, but he needed to eat and not only him but Logan and I did to. I walked back out and opened the door and pulled Logan out with me, he looked at me confused since I was still in my Nike shorts and a tank top that had Stitch on it sitting on his head with his red collar dangling around his neck. We quickly ran down the stairs and went to the cafeteria, but it had to be closed.

I grabbed Logan's hand and took him to his motorcycle I was in the mood for Starbucks. "Christ if I didn't know better you would've stolen my keys and drove off with or without me." Logan said as he sat in front of me turning on the motor.

-Time skip-

Once we came back we had two bags filled with goodies from Starbucks and Subway. We snuck in through the back and snuck into Bruce's room and handed him a sandwich.

"Bruce are dire panther cubs able to have meat? Like at a young age like how Fortis is?" I asked as I broke off a piece of the bread and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Well I don't think, so it would be best to feed him milk they should have some in the cafeteria I'll go and get a carton of white milk and take it to your dorm." He said and started slipping on his coat and grabbed his teacher ID badge and headed out the door. Logan and I followed behind and we went back to my room, but we did happen to stop off at Wade's, Rogues and Venus's dorm to drop off some food for them.

I walked up to Wade's door I had to be quiet cause I was in the guys dorm hall and two doors down the guy that lived there was a huge snitch. I knocked on the door with my middle fingers knuckle and waited patiently until he opened up. I rocked back and forth then the door opened and I saw Wade shirtless.

'What's with guys and being shirtless in front of me today?' I thought and rolled my eyes looking at Wade.

"Uh here Wade." I said shoving the sandwich to his chest.

"Thanks. Hey you wanna catch a movie later today?" He asked shrugging as he held the sandwich.

"Uh.." I looked over and saw Leo's ice glare a shiny tooth smirk shimmered towards my direction. "can't today have to help Leo."

I walked away and passed Logan and went to my room to find Fortis laying on my bed I saw that he had a bowl of milk next to him, Bruce must've came in and gave him the milk while I was gone. I sat down next to him and brushed my hand down his black fur as he licked his paw cleaning off the milk from his lips and whiskers. I heard a knocking at my door and I growled at them thinking it was Leo, "What the hell do you want?"

"Easy tiger can I come in?" It wasn't Leo's voice it was Wade he probably talked to my brother because Leo is the only one that says that to me.

"Yeah." I said not thinking about little Fortis still on the bed.

He walked in and closed the door behind him, he turned to face me and brushed his brown hair to the side ignoring the fact I had Fortis next to me.

"What's going on Na-Rose? You've been acting strange ever since your brother arrived...You don't seem to have time for us anymore... well other then Logan." He said trying to hide the last statement under his breathe. My eyes widen and I got up and jabbed my index finger to his chest and stammered.

"So what! I can't have time for all of you because of Leo if I screw up or seem like I do something stupid he just has to make one call to Lawrence and tell him, or even manipulate Bruce into believing it without asking me first. And for your information I didn't ask Logan to come to my room yesterday he did by himself and he fell asleep here that's why I was with him, if he hadn't done that I wouldn't be with him I'd still be in bed watching Netflix and playing with Fortis. And another thing-" I couldn't finish my rant Wade's lips had pressed up against mine it was rough, but a good way to shut me up. He released himself away from me and looked me into my brown eyes that stared back into his hazel green eyes.

"Now will you shut up and stop worrying and bring back the Rose I know?" He said as his hands grasped my shoulders, there was no sign of either hyper or Buzz kill in his voice.

I was still stunned and just slowly nodded my head. He smiled and kissed my cheek before petting Fortis's head. "So movie tonight and I'm not take a no for an answer or a stand up alright?" he pointed a finger inches away from my face and I simply nodded and said,

"Yes Mr. Wilson" my voice was seductive I've never seen that side of me come out before not even once. He smiled and walked out the not before he pecked my forehead.

I stumbled backwards and fell to my bed I breathed out starstruck, then Fortis pounced on top of me and started smothering with his wet tongue I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

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