Chapter 3

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We hesatated to look behind us to see where the loud booming voice came from. I swallowed down my hesatation and turned to be face to face with a man in a long black and white lab coat.

"Um - Wade and Rogue were showing me where my dorm was sir..." I gulped

"And why don't you know where your dorm is?" He questioned arching a black thin brow over his thick glasses.

"Well Professor Radmacy she doesn't know where her dorm is because she's new. We can't just have a student sleep outside like an animal... Or wade in that matterRogue said making the last part inaudiable.

"Very well get her to her dorm and once you do that get to your own room Wade." Radmacy said starring Wade down, once he finished scolling down Wade he turned on his heels and walked off.

"Seesh he's such a buzz kill." Wade said lowering his head.

"Oh shut up Wade. Its your fault in the first place he came" Rogue stammered.

I looked at both of them. "Guys come on please stop fighting"

They both looked at me and nodded there heads. Rogue and Wade then guided me to the far end of the school where a purple and blue spiral stair case was.

"Are we there yet!?" Wade groaned

"Shut up Wade, your going to wake up Lowece and you know how she is" Rogue said trying to hold back her laughter.

"Yuck! Don't bring that up" he shivers as his face becomes pailer and his eyes dialate.

I was confused what they were talking about, but my train of thought got interrupted when I heard a door hit the dark brown wall.

"Roguie is that you?" A shy female voice said

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rogue shove Wade into a small little crease where the pillar and candle lit lamp.

"Ouch!" Wade groaned as he rubbed his head.

"Was the Wadeyboo I hear?" The girl asked

"Haha you're hearing things again Lowece. Why the hell would Wade be with me at this time?" Rogue says

"Because of her" Lowece points in my direction.

I felt the dark creature inside me scratch against my inner skin. I cringed my stomach together making the beast silence itself.

"Lowece go back to bed or whatever the hell you were doing I need to take Rose to her room" I heard a faint growl come from the girls mouth as she turned around, slamming the door behind her.

"God I thought she was never going to leave" Wade said scratching the back of his head.

They both took me to the top floor there was a single bedroom there the door was black and the doorknob was a crimson red color. I guess Lawerence told them to give me this room then again the beast isn't too faund of company.

"Thanks Rogue, thanks Wade. I appreciate it" I told them

"Yeah no problem. Do you want us to show you inside?" Rogue asked.

"No I'm fine" I smiled and walked inside my room and closed the door.

I looked around the room and saw how the room was an exact replica of my old room. I saw a note on the red pillow with black laced rims.

Dear Rose,

I was able to get Mr. Stark to move your old bedroom stuff to this new one. I hope things go fine for you at this school, Dr. Banner is there so if you need anything you can go to him. I will be checking up on you I promise, be good and be safe and keep the beast contained


After finishing reading the letter I folded it up and placed it in the top drawer and the routine starts again, I tossed myself onto the bed and slowly asleep, thankfully the corner window was cracked open a little making it easier for me to fall asleep peacefully.

I lost my sanity when I Fell In Love with HIMOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant