Chapter 14

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While in the car Wade and I couldn't stop laughing and talking about what had happened to the man at the restaurant. As we turned into the woods to the back entrance of the school I watched as my brother hurried out of the building and quickly went into the black escalade that Lawrence owned.  I watched carefully as the escalade hurried away something was going on, but I didn't think anything of it, besides the dance was tomorrow night and if something were to go down I would be told already.

~Next day~

The dance was today and no one was in class nor were the teachers in the classrooms, everyone had been preparing for tonight. Rogue and Venus dragged me out the mall, we had gone with Logan and Wade my brother was still no where. Venus told the guys to meet us back at the food court we nodded our heads and went around the mall looking what to wear. Venus pulled Rogue and I inside Victoria secret, I looked around seeing the bras they had I found a black and red push-up bra that was laced all around, I bought a matching pair of black panties that was also laced. I decided to go to the store that was across from the Victoria Secret I looked around looking for the perfect dress I finally found it, it was a skin tight cocktail dress that was all black that had a single strap on the right shoulder that had golden studded spikes I already had a pair of black and gold studded spike heels that looked more like converse then actual heels.

"There you are!" Venus hollered at me from the entrance of the store she already had several bags in her hand while Rogue only had three.

"Where have you been? Nevermind that we need to go meet up with the boys before Logan gets all cranky." She said as she shook her hands in the air and started to walk towards the food court.

While both Venus and Rogue were already far ahead I was dragging behind something was off, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I just knew deep down something was wrong.

When we got back to the academy all three of us went to my dorm Venus plugged in both the flat iron and the curler to the wall while we waited for that to heat up we sat on my bed talking I had  Fortis's head on my lap as I stroked his black fur,

"So what are your plans for after tonight?" Venus said leaning in closer to Rogue and I.

"Ugh I don't know probably just chill in the dorm and watch Netflix and eat popcorn, or go out somewhere to eat." Rogue said as she leaned back against the pillows while twirling Fortis's tail.

"Lame! You need to go and do something with Logan!" Venus shouted out, Rogue gripped Fortis's tail tightly making him cry out in pain. Rogue apologized, while I stroked his head softly and kissed the top of his head.

"What?" Venus said, "You don't have to be so loud about it Ven, besides we're just going as friends nothing more then that." Rogue explained as she crossed her arms.

"Ok whatever, but the irons are ready who's up first?" Venus questioned. Rogue was already pissed off at Venus I slightly raised my hand to volunteer, but Rogue was already up and in the chair that was in front of the mirror. 

"So Rose what're your plans?" Ven asked as she curled Rogues hair. "Um well I'm not sure I'll just have to see where the night takes me." I said still stroking a sleeping Fortis's head.

"Well that sounds fun." She said as she waited for the curl to finish.

Time flew by we were all done doing each others hair mine was the only straightened one out of the three. I pulled out the black dress and the bra and panties I started to change, while Fortis sleeping on top of my black hoodie. After I finished changing I slipped on the heels, I grabbed Fortis's leather collar and placed it around his neck and used the gold matching leash and lead him downstairs where I waited for the other two and for Wade to show up. I realized I couldn't take Fortis inside to the dance with me, so I led him to Bruce's office and waited there.

"So still no word on your brothers where about?"  Bruce asked leaning up against the desk.

"No sir, but he should be fine he probably couldn't handle this place and went back home." I said as I held Fortis's leash still. Wade barged through the door and walked up to me he was wearing an all black tux with a single red tie and simple black dress shoes. He petted Fortis's head and leaned forward planting a deep passionate kiss on my lips. I smiled and kissed him back and handed Fortis over to Bruce and walked out the classroom my arm latched with Wade's.

We walked into the gym that was now a haunted murder home people were already on the floor dancing we looked around for the others and found Rogue and Logan at a table Venus had already been on the dance for with Iron Fist. I guess she gave up on the Leo thing.

Wade and I finally got on the floor with a semi-slow dance song playing it was magical I had my head on his chest as he led me around the dance floor. I then felt our bodies stopping from swaying. "Rose, you have a text. " Bruce said as he handed me his phone it was Leo and Lawrence they were both tied up in the manor down in the basement. I told Wade I was sorry I grabbed Fortis's leash and ran out of the gym, I quickly went to the Audi and didn't stop to think I just drove off to the manor.

Wade's P.O.V- I watched as Rose ran out of the gym. "What's going on?" Rogue asked me as she came next to me.

"She just ran out." I said shocked and concerned.

"She's going to need help you all need to hurry." Bruce said to the four of us, I didn't hesitate I ran straight out the door and followed Rose's tracks. My heart pounded against my chest as I thought of what was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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