Chapter 12

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~Two weeks before the dance~

Everyone was starting to ask out people to the murder mystery party dance, like usual every guy wanted to go with Venus, but she turned them all down she was still waiting for that one special guy to ask her most likely my brother. I walked around and saw the kids in the art class before my period working on the banners, decorations, and some made there costumes. I walked with Rouge and watched as some guys asked out random girls, their girlfriend, or just walking and talking with there guy friends.

"So many people running around like chickens who got there heads cut off the dance isn't like a week away and people are already asking people to the dance in big extravagant ways." Rogue said jazz handing.

I giggled and looked around at everyone. "So you think you're going to get asked by anyone?" I asked looking over to her.

"Hell No! And you wanna know why? It's because there's no guy that has my taste." She said shrugging.

"What about that one kid I keep forgetting his name but the one you were talking to." I said

"Him!? No way we're just friends that's all we'll ever be." She said, I giggled once again we came across Wade and Logan and I ran up to both of them and hugged them both.

"Hey there Rose what has you such in a good mood?" Logan said,

"Oh nothing I'm just happy to see you two." I smiled

"Huh? Well we'll know somethings wrong with her if she goes and hugs Leo." Rogue said laughing.

"Yeah no last time I hugged him was because Lawerence forced us too, worst experience in my life." I said shaking my head.

We saw Venus turn down another guy for the millionth time she than walked up to us with her orange sparkly high heels clicking with every step she took, Wade look at her head to toe trying to put together what drove her to wear a orange jack-o-lantern t-shirt and black skirt with a matching pumpkin headband.

"Uh Ven what on earth are you wearing?" Wade asked.

"Trying to get in the Halloween spirit, why do you ask Wade?" She said concerned.

"Because you look like a pumpkin threw up on you." The insane side of him bumped in with no filter said that.

I giggled under my breathe and Venus said, "Well good thing I'm not trying to show off to you!"

I left the two to talk and tuned out when I saw my brother from the distance talking to someone on the phone, I didn't worry about it. He hung up and made his way to me and the others he heard the arguing and cleared his throat and said, "What's the matter with you two?"

"Wade didn't like my outfit." Venus complained.

"And what's your point?" He said not really caring he had be smart and add, "It's just a damn opinion, nothing to worry about it." He didn't say another word or let Venus say anything and he just made his way to his dorm room.

"What's wrong with Leo, Rose?" Venus asked. I just shrugged and ran after him in my combat boots, probably not the smartest idea.

He was too fast for me and he was already in the guys dorm area I would've marched straight up to his room if it hadn't had been for one of the snitcher kids sitting on the bottom of the stair case. I turned around and made my way to assassin training most likely Leo was going to just ditch it, it wouldn't matter to him nothing really ever did matter unless it was extremely important.

I lost my sanity when I Fell In Love with HIMDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora