Chapter 10

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I slowly opened my eyes, squinting them I had the blanket under my arm covering my body, but I wasn't the only one in my bed I looked over and saw Wade I then remembered last night I grabbed the blanket and looked to see if I had my pants on sadly I didn't I just had my underwear on. I sighed I rested my head on the pillow and felt Wade's body rise against mine he kissed my shoulder and said in a raspy morning voice "Morning you," I looked over to him and kissed his lips.

"Morning Wade." I pulled back and saw him smile which I returned to him, I rubbed my eyes as Wade stretched across me and opened my phone to see the time which had to be 11:56 I grabbed it and groaned.

"Fuck I'm going to be late, Leo is going to have my head!" I got up and went to the closet and slipped on a white sports bra, Wade's hoodie, black skinny jeans, and red vans. Wade sat up still shirtless I walked up to him kissing him and grabbed my phone and slipped it in my back pocket.

"Can you feed Fortis for me Wade? Banner should have his food in the mini fridge." I said and walked out the door closing it behind me.

I snuck down the stairs and walked to the gym where I saw Rogue and Venus waiting there, I put my hand on both there shoulders, Venus turned around and hugged me tightly,

"Where have you been?" She asked

"I slept in I had a busy night remember." I said yawning

"Oh yeah! How was it? Nevermind that didn't your brother find out?" She asked

"No he hasn't and let's keep it that way." I said sighing and looking around.

"Wait what are you two talking about I'm confused?" Rogue said.

"Wade and Rose went on a date last night." Venus said like it was nothing.

"WHAT!? Did you tell Logan?" She asked worried

"No why would I tell Logan?" I asked

"Never mind lets go" Rogue said and we all left we agreed to keep last night on the down low we didn't need it to go leaking threw out the school. We started walking to the cafeteria we heard the bell ring, I saw Logan and Leo walk out of the boys locker room talking to one another they noticed the three of us Logan walked up to me and hugged me.

"Where'd you go last night?" He asked

"Uh.." I said

"Guys I'm hungry can we go and eat already?" Venus said which helped me dodge Logan's question. We all nodded our heads and went to the cafeteria.

We got our food I had gotten a salad and so did Venus, Rogue had grabbed whatever the cafeteria was feeding us today, Leo had a Burger King sandwich, and Logan ate a sandwich. As I ate my salad Leo commented,

"You know who I haven't seen all day today?"

"Who?" Rogue asked looking up at him.

"I haven't seen Wade all day." He said, when I heard him say that my grip on the plastic fork hardened to the point you could see the veins in hand pop out.

"Huh? You're right I haven't seen Wade either who could be sleeping in or something like that." Venus said she knew exactly where he room. The only reason she knew that is because she was with me last night before she went to Iron Fists party.

"Ok? Aside from Wade how was the party last night?" Logan asked looking at Venus.

"Oh my God it was amazing, but boring at the same time. How come you didn't go Logan?" She asked

He glared at her a little annoyed with the question, "You're really going to ask that? You know him and I don't get along"

"That's true... I'm still surprised how you two haven't managed to burn this school down to the ground, yet" She said looking down at her salad.

The cafeteria started to evacuate we were the only ones who stayed inside. The bell that dismissed lunch rang and we walked out of the cafeteria everyone was talking, but I stayed silent not because I didn't want to talk, but because I had no fucking idea what to talk about if I said one thing it lead to another which may end up to me talking about last night without me realizing it because I'm still half asleep. I guess my silence was noticeable because Logan turned around and looked at me I was falling behind the group Rogue and Venus kept on walking and talking to Leo, Logan walked up to me and started walking on my right side.

"Hey Rose, how come you're walking so slow and not talking?" Logan asked, my mind jolted back into reality as if it just got into a car wreck I looked to him with my facial expression showing confusion.

"Oh I'm just really tired I had a long night helping Venus with her outfit to Iron Fists party... Well honestly I sat back and watched and just said if it looked good or not." I said smiling

"Oh, so it doesn't have anything to do with Wade?" He said, when I heard that I stopped in my tracks Logan walked ahead of me a little bit then turned around to face me he tilted his head like a confused dog.

"W-why would you ask something like that?" I said trying my hardest not to make eye contact with him.

He just shrugged, I shook it off and walked up to him I saw a small half smile curl his lips.

I walked Logan to his next class before I left he gave me a hug wrapping his arms around my torso and my arms around his neck. I let him go and made my way back to the dorms I wasn't feeling to well maybe it was because of what I was wearing? I turned the door knob to see Fortis sitting in front of Wade they looked like they were having a stare down like one from those Old Western movies.

"Uh what are you two doing?" I asked confused with my hands in the pockets of Wade's hoodie.

"Shh we're going for a new record." Wade said

"Uh huh?" I said arching my brow, a small smirk marked across my lips, "Oh really?" I asked as I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. Fortis ran up to us and pounced on top licking my cheek and licking Wades. I giggled and hugged Fortis, he was getting bigger like A LOT bigger. I couldn't believe my eyes to see how much the little guy has grown. He moved back and sat in front of us with a smile on his face I messed with his head and said.

"You're growing as big as your dad." I kissed his head and released my grip which made him make a b line towards the door.

As I watched him leave I felt Wade's warm breathe on my neck I looked towards him and kissed his cheek. He turned his head and kissed me on the lips I loved his kisses they were always warm and it was the real Wade not a hint of his serious side or his insane side even though I loved both of them. There was just always a hint of sweetness and spice to his kisses when we kissed one another.

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