Chapter 13

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I looked up at the old worn down wooden grandfather clock, the long golden rod swung in a light swaying motion back and forth seeming as if it were about to hit its wooden frames. I saw it had already reached the third hour, a soft sigh escaped from my lips as I went to my room gathering my supplies for biology I placed my notebook on top of the black binder that had silver rimming along side it. My footsteps trailed down the stairs there was no noise coming from her steps even though the halls and dorms were completely empty, my eyes weren't looking forward down the hall, but looking down at the freshly polished marble floor. The toes of my shoes stopped in front of Dr. Banners biology class, she gave an exhale and pushed the large wooden door open to see everyone in there seats and Dr. Banner at the front of the room writing down something on the whiteboard with a black marker.

"Take a seat." He said not glancing his gaze to me. I maneuvered myself around the midnight black desks making my way towards the back table. It was a singular desk that had a hard brown maple wood that transitions to a dark metal base that had a few inches of space for my legs wouldn't bump into the metal poles. As I listened to Bruce's lecture I slowly drifted to sleep and before I knew it my head hit against the wooden desk.

~End of the class~

I felt my body being nudged I groaned to the touch. "Rose wake up class is over" I heard doctor banner say. My eyes slowly opened as I looked over to see Bruce looking at me with his hand on my shoulder. I sighed as I slowly sat up and began packing my things.

"I haven't seen your brother all day is he alright?" He asked as I stuffed my journal into the book bag.

I shrugged for my response as I  kept packing. "Rose." He said demandingly I turned to look at him seeing he was already leaned up against his desk.

"I don't know all I know is I saw him on the phone and then when he hung up he went straight to his room. And I haven't seen him since." I hesitated as I told Bruce everything.

"I'll go and check on him but for now get to your other classes and try to stay awake Rose." Bruce replied as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I nodded my head in response and quickly walked out the door.

"Hey Rose!" Wade said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me close to his chest.

"Hey Wade." I said with a slight chuckle, he slipped his arm off of my shoulder and looked at me.

"Alright, so I was wondering if you wanted to head out for lunch with me." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck as if he were nervous.

"With everyone else or just us two?" I asked him with my eyebrows squinted together.

"Just us two of course. I know we only had our first day a couple of days ago, but I wanted to get some lunch with you just us two no one else. Just you and me. Good ol' quality Rose and Wade time." He blabbered on without thinking. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Sure Wade just wait for me after training and we can head to my dorm for I can get changed." He nodded his head and hugged me before he kissed my forehead and went off the other direction. 

During lunch it was normal wade was goofing around making fun of the people around us and making me laugh, but something in the back of my head kept on telling me something was wrong with Leo. I guess my head was getting carried away because I seemed to zone out, but a leaning in Wade whom seemed to be snapping his fingers to get my attention got it.

"You alright Rose?" He asked with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Yeah I think so I'm just a little concerned about Leo." I sighed, he shuffled around a discarded piece of chicken and said looking down at the tan chicken piece.

"Yeah he was acting pretty strange but I don't think you should worry about it. Besides what's the worst thing that could be going on?"

Actually several things could be going wrong, it wouldn't be the first time either something goes wrong while Leo and I aren't around. "So listen Rose, the dance we both need dates to it and I was thinking us two going would be perfect, so what do you say to being my date to the dance?" Wade said swinging the piece of chicken around on his fork.

"Why not we are a thing after all" I giggled he cheered happily making the piece of chicken fly off of the fork and nail someone in the back of the head. We didn't bother to stay he just threw down a few bucks and we sprinted the hell out of there back to the school.

I lost my sanity when I Fell In Love with HIMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن