Part 59

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Two weeks later, Raymond sat in front of Damon wondering why he was called in.

"I'll get right to the point. Beatrice Dealer is looking for the Inquisitor. She asked me last night how you contact him."

"Any idea why?"

"Don't know, but it does seem like she's planning something. She seems more driven these days. Do you think it's all about the stone?"

"That stone will cost her her reputation and send her to jail for a very long time. I feel sorry for Jackson having to go through this."

"Can we focus here Ray?" Damon brought him back to reality. "This woman is planning something that could put you at risk. What are we going to do about it?"

"Don't worry, Pops. I've got it all in hand. She wants to threaten me with the Russians, hoping they would take me down."

"Don't worry? Are you out of your mind Ray? You can't take on a whole gang by yourself!" He leaned forward over the desk. "No disrespect to you, my boy, you're good, but nobody is that good."

"Have a little faith in me." He chuckled. I'm not going in blindly or alone. I have my backup."

"Please don't go playing superhero Ray. All those gadgets that Eric gives you, don't mean you're invisible." His concern was clear.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you know." He shook his head with a slight smile. "I won't do anything dangerous, I only need to make my message clear." Sighing, he got up to set his plans in motion.


Raymond watched as Beatrice Dealer approached her waiting car. As she was about to close the door, he rushed forward and jumped in next to her as the driver pulled away. She screamed in shock seeing the blank-masked man sitting next to her. The driver seemed oblivious to what was happening and kept driving.

"I hear that you've been looking for me?" He watched as she recoiled from him.

"I know that you have the gem and I want it back." She asserted herself, deciding not to mince her words,

"I do? Then you know much more than I do." He took out a picture of Terence Hartley, showing it to her. "I don't know if you remember an old acquaintance of yours?"

"Who is this, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe you know him like this." He handed her Kevin's picture, watching the blood drain from her face.  "I see that you knew him better before he changed his face."

"I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know these people!" She threw the pictures back at him.

"Good, because he's coming back to tell his side of the story. I'm sure it would be  very interesting." He laughed at her discomfort. "But I'm not here to talk about your soon-to-be reunion. I'm here to tell you to get rid of the people you've hired to look for your gem. They won't find it."

"How do you know? They assured me that they knew its whereabouts." She pulled herself together. She'd gone to the underbelly of society to find someone who would get her the gem without questions asked.

"I'm only going to ask once. Let go of this idea that your son may have it or that you'll ever be able to find it."

"I'll find it no matter what! I don't scare so easily Mr Inquisitor." She sat up straighter.

"What about your Russian friends? They seem to be readying themselves for something." Now that a new faction had entered the city, everybody was on edge and seemed more inspired to throw information at him, without even asking. Even amongst thieves, there was some sort of honour code he'd discovered. It seemed as if they wanted to finish it without a bloodbath and with someone to blame, and that's where he came in.

"I only wanted the gem, but since you keep interfering, they're your problem now." She laughed derisively.

"Fine, if you want to play that game, I'm willing to amuse myself. But don't say I didn't warn you." His laugh was cold and hard. "Now, because you've refused to do me the favour you owed, this is for you." He handed her a crimson red card with an expressionless mask embossed on it.

'You're life is about to change as long as that card is near you." Tapping the driver, he leaned over and pushed Beatrice's door open, as the car came to a halt. "I think it's time you got out." Shoving her out hard, he took out her phone and wallet and threw her bag at her.

"You've run out of favours. Good luck getting home!" Rolling up the window, the car drove off to an underground parking garage and left as soon as Raymond got out.

It didn't look like the old lady was going to be swayed by threats. Maybe it was time for a different tack. Quickly dialling a number, he got into his car.

"Inquisitor, my dear friend!" an excited voice boomed in the car, prompting Raymond to hastily turn the volume down.

"Carlo, I need twelve people all with dark hair, the same height, wearing black suits and white masks. I'll send you what I want them to do and say, later. And please, non of your most famous and promising stars. I need the quiet ones." He listened briefly to Carlo's response before cutting the call.

He took a deep breath as he pulled into the garage at home. Once he'd reached the living room, Skye and Jackson were laying feet up on the couch watching a football match.

"If you two are here, why is the smell of supper coming from the kitchen?" He went over to give Skye a hug.

"Housekeeper. He popped up out of nowhere with a sealed letter for you, here."

Taking it, he quickly scanned the letter, grinding his teeth. His overzealous mother was interfering in his life again.

"Now, before you start getting all mangled up and throw the poor guy out, let's try it out for a while. Chores are fun and all, but I'm not cooking or cleaning every day, are you?"

"Okay," he gave up without a fight. It would make life easier and allow him to spend more time with them. "Who is he anyway?"

"Well, it's one of Gillie's cases, you know?" He pulled a sour face. He'd come to realise that Gillie always managed to find the strangest people who seemed in need of help or who were down on their luck. She really was a softy at heart.

"Oh, and I wouldn't mess with him." He leaned over to whisper. "If looks could kill, I'd be in pieces already. Not really the talking type, if you know what I mean." He nodded toward the blond man who seem to be bulging out of his t-shirt.

Raymond's mouth opened taking in everything. He was of average height and seemed like he spent every waking moment at the gym. Besides his face, the tattoo sleeve on his arm made him even more attractive.

"I, er, I'm Raymond or Ray, he laughed, feeling his hand enveloped in a warm and strong grip.

"Josh." He introduced himself. "Don't worry, things will be running tiptop in no time." His smile was blinding as he turned to leave the room. Raymond had to admit that watching him leave wasn't a bad thing either.

"I'm still here, you know," Jackson said morosely. " I think we should get another housekeeper. Maybe one where you can keep your mouth closed long enough."

"Come on Jackson," he leaned over to kiss him. "He's got nothing on you. Okay, so he looks like an angel with his curly hair, and don't forget that glorious physique..." He glossed on, but seeing the expression on Jackson's face, he quickly stopped.

"I mean, who would go for that type anyway?" Raymond blushed

"Yeah, who would, right?" he asked sarcastically turning up the volume of the TV.

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