The Good Daughter Of Bellatrix Lestrange.

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Copyright / disclaimer issues:  

I own nothing of Harry potter. It belongs to JK Rowlings. Not me. 

Chapter 1~~~

Well for starters I could tell you who I am. My name is Fairlee Black. Or Faith actually. My real last name was Lestrange. From my mother of course. Well my mom and dad. Bellatrix and Rodulpus Lestrange. True I took my mothers last name, but I perfer to think of it was my uncle Siuris's. Never my mothers.

I hate my mother and my father. They are both in Azkaban.

I am a 7th year at Hogwart's his year, my best friends were Scorpius Malfoy and James Potter. But they don't know who my family was. I couldn't tell them. I mean, who would want to be friends with Bellatrix's daughter?

I honestly don't know what to think. Well I was a home in Grimlund Place. All alone. This was how I passed my summers. I didn't have any relatives alive, well Teddy was one, but he was out of Hogwarts already, so we don't see each other, he was somewhere in Russa last I heard from him.

Tommorrow was the day I go back to Hogwart's on the Hogwart's Express. I can't wait to see James and Scorp! They are the best friends you could ask for. And they are hot of course! Well I am their friend so I have I right to say that. They were on the quiditch team, as was I, I was a chaser, Scorp the seeker, and James was the Beater.

Well I had already packed my stuff so I was excited to go back to school. Wierd right? But who likes to be alone all summer? No one that I can think of.

I just layed down and let sleep drift over me, and dream dreamless dreams. 

************************** Next day.

I got up early today and put on some black skinnys and white tank on, then a black v-neck shirt.

I was more of a tomboy so I hardly ever wore a dress. I wore one once this summer, and make-up and did my hair specially, it was because I was felling down and wanted to look pretty. I got to admitt, I looked pretty hot, not to vain or anything. I had on cute little innocent light lilac purple sundress that flared out at the botttom. I was twirling around and my hand was in my hair, artfully scrunching it up.

I didn't know what James and Scorp would say if they saw it, but I don't wanna find out. I packed the picture in my backpack, then I walked out of Grimwald place and looked back once at the cheap little dank place, all dark and gloomy. I didn't like it there but where else was I to stay?

Headmistress Mcgonagall only knew my secret, she was not judging, and over the years I proved what a good Griffinor I could be. I was a top student with good grades.

I walked over to the bus station and caught a bus over to King's cross station. I got out and went to platform 9 and 3/4's and went in, feeling the familar pang of jealously at seeing all the families. So loving. How I wanted one. I smiled wistfully and border the train. I found my way along the corridor and found a empty booth. I went in and put my stuff up. I sat down on the seat and one tear fell, that I quickly scrubbed away. I couldn't cry.

I leaned my head against the window, falling into a wistful sleep.

***lil bit later*****

"Hey, lets put frogs on her head, that would be funny." I heard James say. Stupid.

"No, ice water. Simple and practical." I heard Scorp say. Ehhh..... Those boys will never learn!

"Boys, Boys, do anything and I will make your life hell." I said to them, in my calm serene voice, not even opening my eyes.

"Damn! How do you do that Faith? That's creepy." I heard James say.

I opened my eyes and turned around to face them.

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