Moving in together

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                              "Bella this is so fucking heavy." You heave, holding the stacked boxes and bringing them into the apartment. You decided to move in together a month or two ago, preparing ourselves for the big move in Toronto. You were holding 3 boxes, each stacked on top of each other, Bella had asked if you wanted help, but you just wanted to get this moving done. 

                             "Yeah, yeah, I know. I have the same amount as you but I have the last boxes." they sighed, taking in a larger breath before continuing, "I'm honestly just tired. This is exhausting." They were right. It was exhausting. Having to drive three hours, pass the border, and then finally bring all these boxes and objects into the apartment.

                            You set down the boxes once you get inside. The door was propped up by a box we had brought in earlier. Laying on the ground, you sigh and heave, trying to catch your breath. "This is ridiculous, and I refuse to move." 

         "Well, you have to. You're in the way."

        "Just lay down with me B, the floor is nice."

       "I rather not break my back." They say. You pull them down, Bella flopping to the floor like a fish out of water. "Ow!" They exclaim.
"Is your back broke?" You ask, giggling to yourself.

"Yes, and my arm and leg and neck." They groan jokingly. Smiling to themselves at the joke they made.

"I'm sure you did, you big baby." You say smiling.


Once you two got up from the floor, stretching to get the knots out. You plop on the couch. Slowly swinging back and forth from consciousness from all the heavy lifting.

The couch is oddly comfortable. It's new and not broken in yet. Bella slowly lowers herself onto the couch, groaning with each movement they make. "I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow." They said. You both would be sore, and yet the small memories of starting a life together would make up for that.

"Aren't we all?" You say as you stretch your arms across Bella shoulders. Pulling her close into the side of you. The smell of sweat and old spice reaching your nose as they lay their head on your should.

You lay your head on hers, closing your eyes and slowing your breath. They listened to your heartbeat as they closed her eyes, and you two slowly swing back and forth into sleep from the exhaustion and knowledge that you two were safe together.

"I love you." Bella says while a little sniffle comes from their nose.

"I love you too." You say, finally drifting off to sleep.

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