I - This is not a squad

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You ⤴️

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

You ⤴️

Txur'itan (Zur-itan) ⤴️

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Txur'itan (Zur-itan) ⤴️

I looked down from my Ikran, Txur'itan. Near the ground, I saw planes explode and Neytiri shoot arrows at the people controlling them. I always wonder what it felt like to be useful when doing these raids, but my job was to be a lookout with Neteyam and Lo'ak. I knew that Jake gave us this role to make us believe that we were actually being useful, but I knew it's because he wanted make sure that we wouldn't get hurt. We were given strict instructions by Jake to not go anywhere near the battlefield. We had to be in the air and watch for any incoming danger, contacting Jake if they saw anything.

I kept flying, going in circles around the Na'vi on the ground, keeping an eye out for any incoming helicopters. I heard an explosion and looked down to see that the cargo train had been derailed by my Mom and Dad. It was a clear win for the Na'vi.

"Woohoo!" I exclaimed from her spot in the sky, my Dad hearing it and looking up with a smile at me. He whooped back, jutting his first into the air when the warriors scrambled to get the cargo.

I continued to patrol around the area. I turned back expecting to see Neteyam and Lo'ak, but they were nowhere to be found. I looked around the sky for them, and then brought Txur'itan down to coast near the ground. That's when I spotted them talking. I cursed to myself, debating on what to do. I could either keep on patrolling the area, or join them to make sure that they don't do anything stupid. I decided with the latter. I urged Txur'itan to fly down to the ground, coming to a stop next to the brothers' Ikrans.

"What are you two skxangs doing?!" I shouted at them. Lo'ak grabbed a gun, not responding to me. I groaned in annoyance.

"Do you even know how to use that?" Neteyam asked his younger brother. Lo'ak rolled his eyes, his head turning to Neteyam.

"Yes, Dad taught me how to use one" Lo'ak said in a 'matter of fact' tone. I rolled my eyes, my peripheral vision catching onto movement. I moved my head to the left to see two helicopters flying into the area where the wreckage was.

"Lo'ak! Neteyam! There's helicopters coming!" I shouted at the two skxangs. They both stopped talking and turned to where I was looking. Their eyes went wide, Neteyam contacting Jake to tell him what was happening.

"Devil Dog, there is a ship coming from the North!" He called in urgently. I could hear Jake's voice through her ear piece. The ship started shooting at us, killing some of the Na'vi that had been trying to flee.

"Come on!" I shouted as the three of them started running back to their Ikrans. Before they could make it to the Ikrans, the helicopter had launched a missile, the impact throwing the three of us back into the rubble. Lo'ak was blown to the left, Neteyam to the right, and I went backwards. I groaned at the impact as my back hit a rock, the wind being knocked out of me. I quickly caught my breath, standing up and walking over to Lo'ak who was a couple feet away from me.

"Are you okay?" I asked my little brother. He nodded, grabbing my hand that I put out and using it to help him stand.

Jake had called out for his two kids, Y/n and Lo'ak running to where his voice was. They saw him with Neteyam over his shoulder, running through the rubble. Each Na'vi called their ikrans, mounting them and flying away.

Once the four riders reached their home in the Hallelujah Mountains, the three kids got a stern talking too. By the look on Jake's face while they were riding back, Y/n could tell that it would not be good.

"You're supposed to be spotters!" Jake started in a stern voice. "You spot bogies for a distance, and you call them in! Does any of this sound familiar?" Jake asked us.

"Jesus! I let you three fly on a mission thinking you're ready, and you almost get yourselves killed." Jake said. Neteyam and Lo'ak put their heads down, but I kept mine up, looking at my father.

"Dad....Sir.... I take full responsibility..." Neteyam started before his Dad interrupted him. I rolled my eyes quickly. Yes he's my twin brother, but he needs to stop taking the blame for Lo'ak all the time.

"Yeah, you do! You're the older brother, so start acting like one." Jake shouted at his eldest.

"Ma Jake." Neytiri said. "Your son is actually bleeding" She pointed out.

"Go get yourself patched up" Jake said. When Neteyam and I didn't move, he added. "Go! You're dismissed." As Neteyam and I walked to the medicine hut to get his wounds treated, Jake's eyes shifted to Lo'ak.

"You're grounded, no flying for a month! Jake said. Lo'ak looked down and nodded. "Now go see to the Ikrans, all of them." He said. Lo'ak walked away to tend to the Ikrans, grumbling under his breath as he did so.

He walked off to find Neteyam, thinking about what would've happened if the missed had hurt the kids any more than it already had.

I hissed as Mo'at applied an ointment onto the gash on my back as well as some scratches littering my body.

"Does the baby need a kiss on the boo boo?" Spider joked. He had wandered into the hut a couple minutes ago, seeing as all of the Sully kids were there. I flattened her ears and hissed at him, Neteyam also giving him an annoyed glare.

"I would use Yalknabar." Kiri started, walking over to me, and handing her grandmother a mixture she had mixed.

"Oh yeah. And who is tashík?" Mo'at questioned Kiri. Her tone sounded annoyed, but in reality she was proud that Kiri had suggested that.

"You are.... Move!" She said as she shoved Lo'ak out of the way while she walked. Lo'ak's facial expression turned to confusion when she did so. "You are grandmother, but Yalknabar is better" Kiri finished.

"Ow. Ow!" Neteyam shouted as his grandmother had put some of the same ointment onto his back that she did on me. It really didn't sting that much, but my twin was just an oversized baby half of the time. "Ow!" He said once more. I whipped him with my tail and he moved his head over to me. "What?!" He asked in a confused tone. I rolled my eyes, huffing before answering.

"It didn't even sting that bad. You're just a big baby when it comes to this stuff." I said with a smirk.

"Shut up." He answered back with an eye roll, and shoving me.

"You are very hard on them." Neytiri said to her mate. He sighed and looked at her. "I'm their father, it's my job." He said.

"This is not a squad, it is a family." Neytiri reminded Jake. The remark made Jake think. His expression softened and he put his gun down. He sighed and turned, putting his arm on Neytiri's arms.

"I thought that we had lost them." He said in a soft tone.

1151 words, proofread! New bookkkkkk! Hope you
enjoy this one as much as the last one.
If you haven't read my other books yet, go check them out!

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