XVII - Tsurak

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||Warnings: steamy scene. I wrote in bold above it so if you want to skip it, scroll until you find bold lettering again||

It had been a month. A whole long ass month since Neteyam had died. It had been a struggle for everyone, but it destroyed me.

Ao'nung had been there by my side through it all, making sure that my mental and physical health was alright.

Mom had been quiet for a couple weeks, finally getting better after the first couple weeks. Lo'ak still blamed himself, Tsireya comforting him.

Tonowari had asked me if I wanted to become a warrior. I said yes, knowing that this is what I would've done if we were still in the forest.

Still in the forest.... Neteyam would've never died. But I would've never meet Ao'nung. The boy I was slowly starting to fall for.


"Y/n you're going to be late for your lessons!" Dad shouted from the entrance of the hut. I huffed and sat up, grabbing a small fruit and biting into it as I walked towards him.

"Coming." I spoke. He walked next to me as we made our way to the beach where the warriors trained. I had been out in a group with An'oung and his friends. I was really only happy about being with Ao'nung.

"Ahhh there she is!" One of the older warriors spoke as I walked closer. I took my spot in between Ao'nung and Rotxo.

"Okay so now we can start?" Rótau spoke with an eye roll. The warrior nodded, five others walking up next to him. They each took a hold of a Tsurak, trying to hold it still for us.

I waded into the water towards Rovä. He was a known warrior around the reef, so I trusted him.

"This will be your Tsurak. If you do not tame him right away it is okay. Not many do it on the first try." He spoke calmly. I nodded, taking a deep breath and looked around to at the other boys.

Their mentors were talking to them, some already connecting the bond with the large creatures.

"I'm ready." I spoke as I grabbed my braid, holding it out in front of my body. Rovä held the tsurak's queue out, the pink tendrils from each queue twirling around each other. They connected, the Tsurak's and my eyes becoming dilated. 

The Tsurak trashed, Rovä having to hold the Tsurak with more of his strength. I took another breath, moving so I could sit on top of the Tsurak.

"Hold on tight, here." Rovä spoke as he showed me where to place my hands. He helped me wrap them up, the Tsurak still moving beneath me. He nodded, letting me tell him when I was ready.

"I'm ready." I spoke. He nodded and let go of the Tsurak, stepping back. The Tsurak screeched, taking off into the water. I pushed my body close to the creatures' as we dove under the water.

I held on tight as the Tsurak bucked and swerved in the water, trying to flip me off. He flew up out of the water, spreading his wings. I screamed as we flew up, holding on for dear life. I could hear everyone laughing at me, but I didn't care. So far, I was winning.

Y/n - 1
Tsurak - 0

I smiled to myself once the Tsurak had calmed down, the feeling going through our bond. She came up to the water surface, slowly gliding along as we made our way back to the shore. Ao'nung and his friends cheered as I hopped off of my Tsurak, running over to Ao'nung.

"I did it!" I exclaimed with a laugh.

"You did it!" He laughed along as he grabbed your jaw and brought you in for a kiss. His friends whooped behind him, teasing us.

Golden HourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon