III - Devil Dog

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I walked with Tuk in the back of the group, waiting for her to stop touching the plants and keep walking.

"Tuk, we need to catch up." Tuk had whined at her older sister. I sighed, taking her hand and pulling her along as I walked.

Tuk tried stopping a couple of times to look at the nature around them, but I had to pull her past them because I know that Lo'ak would throw a hissy fit if we had to wait for us.

"Come on Tuk!" Lo'ak shouted from the front of the pack.

"Okay, okay. Jeez." Said said, muttering the last part under her breath, earning a small laugh from me.

"Bro why'd you even bring her?" Spider asked. I rolled my eyes at the boy.

"She's such a cry baby." Lo'ak started. "She's all, 'I'm telling, you're not supposed to go to battlefield' Or 'I'm telling mom if you don't let me come'." Lo'ak imitated as he put his hands on his hips. Tuk stuck out her tongue while making a mocking noise. I laughed at my little sister, gaining an annoyed glance from Lo'ak.

"Don't pick on her." Kiri said, siding with Tuk. Lo'ak groaned, but continued walking with Spider next to him.

"Come on slowpoke!" Lo'ak shouted at Spider as the two climbed up the broken down helicopter. Y/n stayed on the ground with Tuk, holding the young Na'vi's hand.

"Are there any dead bodies up there?" Tuk called up to her brother and Spider.

I looked at my little sister with side eyes, surprised that she would ask that. She looked at me with a smile, freaking me out a little bit. Kiri had told me that she was going to explore a little earlier, but that was 20 minutes ago.

I sent Spider to go find Kiri, the boy coming back 5 minutes later with my sister.

"We have to get back!" Tuk said as she grabbed my hand, pulling me along as the five of us walked back to the mountain base.

Lo'ak walked in the front of the group, and I walked in the back, holding Tuk's hand as she looked at the plants again.. Lo'ak abruptly stopped and squatted down to the ground, Spider jumping over a log and joining him.

"What is it?" Kiri asked the two boys. Tuk and I joined her side, looking at the boys with confused looks on their faces.

"We're supposed to be home by eclipse," Tuk said as she looked up to the sky. Lo'ak waved me over. I groaned, telling Kiri to keep an eye on Tuk and walked over to my little brother. I crouched down next to him, my eyes growing wide at the sight in front of me. It was a big footprint. If the footprint didn't have a shoe track, the five teens would be able to keep walking. This wasn't good.

"It's way too big for a human," Lo'ak said, almost as if he had read my mind. Lo'ak stood up and started walking in the opposite direction that they had been walking in. I groaned and stood up, running up to Lo'ak and grabbing his arm.

"Lo'ak. Lo'ak stop. What are you doing?" The girl questioned. Lo'ak slapped my hand off of his arm and continued walking.

"Shut up, I'm tracking," Lo'ak responded. The three girls huffed simultaneously but followed the boy. They followed Lo'ak for a couple more minutes before the boy stopped. Spider and Lo'ak stood next to each other, the three girls standing behind them. I told Kiri and Tuk to stay where they were as I went to get a closer look with the boys.

As I walked up next to them, I froze. I know this area all too well. This is where Mom killed Quaritch, and then saved Jake. I looked at the group of adults in front of us. The man in charge looked exactly like Quaritch. But if Neytiri had killed Quaritch, then how was he alive and now an avatar? Slowly, Lo'ak and Spider started walking closer to the avatars. I went out to reach for Lo'ak, but my hand just missed his tail.

"I swear you're going to be the death of me one day." I hissed at Lo'ak in a hushed tone. I turned back around to look at my younger sisters.

"Tuk stay with Kiri, and stay out of sight for now." I whispered with authority in my voice. Tuk went to argue with the girl, but I hissed quietly as a warning and Tuk stayed quiet as she grabbed Kiri's hand again. Kiri nodded, and I set off to follow the two idiotic boys in front of me. They had stopped near some plants to get a good view of the avatars. The three of them couldn't be seen as easily as they could see the avatars.

"Call it into Dad," I whispered harshly to Lo'ak. He looked at me confused. "Now." I ordered. He sighed and nodded, calling Dad. The three backed away from the bushes a little so they couldn't be heard.

"Devil dog. Devil dog, this is Eagle Eye. Over." Lo'ak said. Jake responded quickly. I already know that I am going to be the one in the most trouble. Even though Lo'ak brought us here, I was the one supervising everyone.

"I have eyes on some guys. They look like avatars but are wearing camouflage and carrying guns. And there's six of them." Lo'ak responded to Dad.

"Alright, where are you?" I heard Jake ask Lo'ak.

"Uh...." Lo'ak hesitated, not knowing how to tell Dad where they were. I quickly activated my earpiece, talking for Lo'ak.

"Me, Spider, Kiri, Lo'ak.... and Tuk." I said. I heard Jake sigh.

"What was the one thing that I asked you to do?" Jake asked, a stern tone in his voice. I gulped again before answering.

"Keep them safe and don't get into trouble Dad," I responded. Dad sighed from the other line. I could tell that he was disappointed. I hated it when Mom or Dad were disappointed in me, even though it happened a lot.

"Okay, I want you to listen carefully to me now. Get out of there right now. Do not make any noise, and get them out of there safely. Move, do you copy?" Jake told me. I responded by saying yes and telling the group to leave. I turned off her earpiece, hearing Kiri telling Lo'ak, 'I told you so' The group moved quickly, panic visibly starting to rise between them.

"Hurry! It's almost eclipse!" Tuk said, urgency present in her voice. Suddenly, an avatar came out from behind a tree, grabbing Tuk by her arms as she screamed and flailed around. I pulled out an arrow, put it on my bow, and aimed it at the man that was holding Tuk. I hissed viciously at him to put down my baby sister. He simply just laughed.

Lo'ak pulled out his knife, hissing. They were severely outnumbered and their weapons were nothing compared to the guns that the avatars held. Other avatars came out from the woods, grabbing the other teens by their braids and arms. Tuk whimpered, a scared look on her face.

"Mawey," Kiri started, trying to calm the little girl down. "Mawey ma Tuk, mawey." Kiri soothed in a calm voice. I had to put on a strong face for the Tuk, but inside I was scared. The avatars did not handle them nicely. Everyone had their weapons taken away, but I was still in the middle, my bow still armed.

The man holding Spider moved to the side, letting a large, bald man walk towards me. I hissed loudly, drawing my bow back even further. When he saw the feathering on the arrows, his face contorted as if he was scared. This gave me an advantage and I released the arrow when he was distracted, letting it fly. The arrow embedded itself in his shoulder, the man groaning in pain.

"You bitch!" He shouted as he ripped the arrow out and walked towards me. I fumbled with grabbing my next arrow, the man taking my bow and ripping it out of my hands. He swung with right arm, his fist coming in contact with my cheekbone. I shouted out in pain, holding my face where he had hit it.

"Kehe! Ftang nga!" Kiri shouted once she saw me shout in pain. The man grabbed my braid, moving my face so I was looking at him. He snickered to himself, licking his lip.

"Your hers. You look just like that bitch." He sneered. My nose scrunched up as I hissed, the man laughing again. This time, his crew joined in. "What are you gonna do, you have no weapons right now." Quaritch laughed. I rolled my eyes, the man handing me off to an extra man. He stayed in front of me.

"Show me your hands." He ordered. I lifted my hands up, flipping him off. He hissed at me, getting close to my face. "Oh you think you're funny?" He questioned. He walked off, walking to a table and grabbing something. He held a knife in his hand, walking back up to me. "Let's see who's laughing now." He smirked.

1554 words, proofread. Uh oh!

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