Tenth Part

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Need help

Gloria Raynolds

I have suffered a lot mentally in the last few weeks. Because I blew all my chances with Charles. No one can understand what I feel. They never believed it. They didn't believe that at the age of 13 I could have serious feelings for an adult man. They thought they were just fans of him like everyone else. But that wasn't true.Everybody liked him the girls because he is damn handsome and the boys because he became their legend with his go-karting career and what he achieved. It became the same for me, and how many things prevented him. The loss of material things, family members, and important people also in motorsport. But he didn't give up, even though he wanted to show it off. I can't put into words how much I want him. I want him to hug me. I want him to speak to me with his wonderful voice. I want him to look at me with his beautiful green eyes. I want to lose myself in his eyes. I want to love who I love. But I can't because I'm 12 years younger and because he has a family , he's an F1 driver and I'm a nobody from Hungary. How could I be born in the worst country?! From here, my chances are zero. I did everything no matter how hard it was. I learned French only because of him, no matter how much I hate them. I did my driving licence and I was afraid of it because I couldn't even drive in a stupid game I did this just because of him. I came here to Monaco just for him. And what did I get, I'm in the same place as nowhere before.

As much as I hate the community, I went to a group therapy. I had to go to one of the narrowest and most insignificant streets in Monaco. We sat in a small, dark room. The chairs were in a circle, every seat was taken, except for the one next to me, which I didn't mind. There were about 10 of us. The woman who held the counseling started her speech.

Hello everyone, I'm Elena! I know it's hard for you, but I'm doing my best to help you. I will also help. I see one person is still missing. We are waiting for him. After 5 minutes, a man entered the room, I didn't see much of him because it was dark.
He sat down in the only empty chair next to me. We made eye contact and greeted each other. The others looked at us strangely. When I realized who I was greeting. None other than Charles Leclerc! To the Charles whom I spoke to 2 weeks ago! Later on in the session, it turned out that his marriage with Charlotte is in crisis. Charlotte doesn't want to move out. Charles can't see his own son because Charlotte is hiding him with all her might. Hearing this, I started crying. After the conversation ended, Charles and I started talking. First of all, we apologized to each other. Then we told each other more about our problems. I don't know exactly how long we talked, but I know it was quite a long time.

~~~~~~~~~~1 months later~~~~~~~~~~

What do you think happened next? (write it in the comments)

We talked a lot that night. We teased each other with each other's stories. Until we got to the point where we kissed each other more than once. In fact, I told him a little embellished that I was here because of him and that I wanted him. I almost started singing Another Love by Tom Odell, which is my favorite song and I think it fits our situation very well:

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care.

But it's so cold and I don't know where

I brought you daffodils in a pretty string

But they won't flower like did last spring.

And I wanna kiss you meke you feel alright

I'm just so tired to share my nights

I wanna cry and I wanna love but all my tears have been used up

On another love, on another love

All my tears have been used up

And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight

But my hands been broken, one too many times

So I will use my voice I will be so fucking rude

Words, they always win,but I know I will lose

And I had sing a song, that'd be just ours

But I sang 'em all to another heart

That's it guys. I hope do you like it. I love this song so much! I hope you to! See ya next time! 😘

My desires after you (Charles Leclerc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon