Twenty first part

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Gloria Raynolds

After Las Vegas, Axel came over to us as we had discussed. He didn't mind anyone. Arthur and Charles are reconciled, although Charles still has a little thorn in his side. In the end, he doesn't report it, there really isn't a reason. We spent a lot of time as a foursome Gloria, Charles, Arthur, Charlotte. Almost too much. We went to eat together, to events, made tiktoks, YouTube videos. Much to our surprise, Charles and I were invited for an interview. We were accepted immediately, but we had not yet officially appeared in this form. We will be on TV! It's not like we're not involved in f1 broadcasts. We go to a morning talk show and have our hair and makeup done.

Excerpt from the show:

We're back after the commercial break. Our guests are here to greet Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend Gloria Reynolds with a big round of applause. I was very upset because I don't want the world to know me as Gloria Reynolds' girlfriend Charles Leclerc. I want to be known for myself.

You are the newest couple in Formula 1. What is it that people think of you that is quite divisive? - asked

- The fact that we are the newest couple will make a difference, ask Gloria about the age difference between us. We don't care what they think about us. Charles said

-Gloria? - the host called my attention

- Here you go? - I asked

What do you think about the many years difference between you two? - asked

- Sorry, I didn't pay attention first, I was looking at our Instagram pictures on the screen. - I said

- Charming, isn't it? - asked

- Of course, because we are on it. Back to the question. I'm tired of everyone being interested in this, there are celebrity couples with a much bigger age gap than this and they've been together for a thousand years. Even in the old world, there were big age differences, but since then the world works differently, so to speak, it has gone out of fashion today. I don't care what they think, if they send me a whore, it's embarrassing because they act like they don't know me. I can't change the fact that this is how they judge a person they don't even know and won't! - I said

- Don't you think the child is premature? - said the guy, and I could have knocked him over in anger from the armchair

- I don't think we're both ready for it. Gloria is very mature for her age. - said Charles, but he already felt that it was a mistake to come to this show

-What is this Arthur Charles, Charlotte Gloria love triangle? Who is Axel's father then? What was this weekend. asked the interviewer

- There is no question of any love triangle. - I said

- No, but. It turned out that I am living in a scam, because Axel is not my son and they have always colluded behind my back. Arthur secretly loved Charlotte. I'm really into it. That's why we got stuck at the race. Since then, we have discussed everything, peace is sacred, and we go together as a foursome. Charles said

-You are quite active on social media and produce many videos for YouTube. said the interviewer

-Yes, two new videos have recently been released, one of which is the one I have never seen before with Arthur and Charlotte. The other is a video of what's in my mouth, which we recorded in the kitchen with my good friends Kristin and Gabriel, who are also a couple, and we put food in each other's mouths and have to figure out what it is. I recommend it to everyone, they turned out to be very funny. - I said

-Charles, do you still have a mathematical chance of winning the World Cup, do you really think you have a chance? - asked the interviewer, who had already asked his umpteenth question

My desires after you (Charles Leclerc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz