Fifteenth Part

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Charles Leclerc

There are 2 weeks between Spa and Monza, so we have and had enough time with Gloria to spend together! We trained together, went shopping, went out to sea with our boat, I taught her how to somersault, we went diving and enjoyed the quality time we spent together. Axel's 5th birthday is coming soon! I'm really looking forward to it, although I don't think I'll be able to spend much time with him. Mom declared that this year we will hold the party at her place and they will cook a big lunch with Lorenzo's wife Linet. Gloria indicated that she will decorate because, according to her, she is very good at it. I don't doubt it. Today we are going to buy Axel a present. I asked him for a wish list, I may not buy him everything, but I will try to please him as much as possible. I consider myself a family person, I love both or three or even all four of my family. I also respect Charlotte, even after what she did, I can't hate her because I loved her once, I loved her very much, it's not for nothing that we have a son, so my feelings for her will remain forever. 

Gloria Raynolds

During the break between the two races, I was almost always with Charles, we were close. One day I went to Liam's house. They have a nice apartment. Although I can imagine how much Charlotte struggles to keep things like this. Liam is quite rummy and would be almost unable to live alone. It would have been ideal to shoot the pictures outdoors, but we couldn't let anyone see us because then the news would leak out and it wouldn't be as big of a hit. That's why we took photos in the apartment, so the background will be stupid, but that's the least. They got dressed and entered the middle of the room, I gave them the little helmet and took a few pictures. They were very nice to me after that. We talked a lot, which I really enjoyed. I got on really well with them and the others. I am so grateful that I have found my family that I have always been looking for. Little Axel's birthday is coming soon! We would like to take him somewhere after the family lunch together. Honestly, I didn't see much because Charlotte hides it. But I thought a little and it occurred to me what would happen if, by chance, his girlfriends invited him to a girls' wellness on his son's birthday. I can act very well, I don't even understand why I didn't become an actor. I looked at one of Charlotte's pictures with her friends, which were marked, and I pressed and wrote on one of them. Something like: I am a colleague of Csá Charlotte and the poor thing seems very tired, she needs rest, but quickly. He won't make it this weekend. So you have to go now, otherwise it will completely degrade. Pussy<3

Thank God her friend is as stupid as her so she believed it. When I saw his answer, I laughed evilly. Aware that Charlotte was not at home, I ran down to Charles in the living room and shouted this: I won, I made it, we can be together with Axel this week! Can you believe this?! I can finally see his cute little face. I shouted

-Seriously? Charles asked

-Of course! - I said

-Thank you Ria, I can finally see you properly this week! Ohh I can't believe it, I love you so much! - he said, and I felt his tears running down my hand

It looks like it means a lot to him. I couldn't even imagine if my child was taken away from me. It could hurt terribly.

A day later:

Charlotte said she would stay for lunch but then she would leave. So 1000% how can we be with Axel! Charles and I hopped into his Ferrari. We went to the only game store in Monaco because there is usually one of everything here. Also from Charles Leclerc, but he is already mine and no one will take him away from me! We went into the store where Charles explained the things that Axel asked for.

This was on the list that Axel had already written in his own hand:

Axel's wish list

I want:

My desires after you (Charles Leclerc)Where stories live. Discover now