Eleventh Part

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Moving together

Gloria Raynolds
That night was very memorable for both of us. It was wonderful! I will never forget. After that, we didn't have to go to that session because we were there for each other. If there was no race, we spent almost all of our time together, shopped, ate, slept together and even went to exercise together with his car. I couldn't believe that I could sit in a Ferrari pista spider 488, which is black and has the flag of Monaco running in a single stripe, it has a number 16 on the side and embroidered into the seats: Charles Leclerc.

I loved training with him, but his training plan killed me! Why do they do this to the drivers?! Honestly, none of us needed the training. It has dice that make you swoon.
As a child, I was chubby, which bothered me a lot over time. I decided to lose weight and with my perseverance I succeeded. I also had a hard time getting a stomach ache. This gave me confidence because I was always hurt because I have such a stupid head shape. (Thanks to my father!) And because I didn't dress in the most expensive, most fashionable clothes because they were damn expensive, I didn't even like them and I loved mine. But they looked down on the process when we were almost the most profitable. At least we didn't buy the clothes, heater, washing machine on credit, we didn't pay for our vacation with it, and we didn't live in a panel house. 😝These things really hurt me spiritually, that's why I wanted to be rich so that I could sleep in front of them in Gucci up to my feet with my Ferrari full of money behind me. I'll raise my middle finger and say: fuck you! I will because Charles is here. Don't let anyone tell me that it's not your money, it's Charles's and you didn't work for it. You don't think it's that easy to seduce a married man 12 years older than me? Try it.

The moment has come for us to move in together! So we tried or something. At one point, he asked if I would like to live with him, and I clearly said yes. He came down to the beach with his car to our trailer and with Kristin's help we tried to stuff everything into the car. But it's not so easy to cram a lifetime into a sports car.

- Why didn't you bring a bigger one, like your family car? I asked Charles. I assumed he had a kid. - All my luggage would fit in it and I wouldn't have to cross the streets of Monaco in this sports car.
- I don't need family car - he answered. I was very surprised by this.
-Why not?
- You'll understand when we get there.
- Good - I looked at him strangely. - I can't wait to see your son!
"You won't,"- he murmured
That's all, just think about what Charles might be referring to. Gloria is driven by slightly evil intentions. But She is not evil, She only does these things to make up for his very bad childhood. She feels that She has suffered enough, She doesn't need more, something very good must come that She deserves.

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