The Aftermath Part 1

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Chris sat in the waiting room chair with James. The party offered to be with him but Chris waved them off. 

"You guys come up with a new plan, I'll meet up with you guys later on." 

The group nodded and Max kissed him before joining the rest of the party while Chris walked to his house so his dad could take him to the hospital. 

"Mr. Orlando?" A voice snaps Chris and James to attention as they look up to see a nurse. "Yes, that's me." Chris stands up and the nurse kindly smiles at him "Come with me please." Chris nods and the father and son follow the nurse into a hospital room. "If I am ask, how did this happen?" 

"Twelve" Billy's monstrous voice echoes in his head.

The impact of his body against the bricks of the sauna room reverberates against his body.

Chris feels the ghost of Billy's foot, slamming down on his hand. 

Chris remembers the feeling of bending his fingers to attempt and disintegrate Billy's foot.

Chris looks up at the nurse and smiles slightly at her. "I fell on the stairs and a brick landed on it." The nurse nods and begins to write something on a notepad. Chris doubts the nurse bought his story but he wasn't going to dwell on it too much. As long as she didn't press the issue, things would be fine. "Well, Mr. Orlando, we'll have to run some scans, and asses the damage that the.."brick" did to your fingers and hand overall. More than likely you'll need a splint on your pinky and ring finger for the next 4 months as long as you don't damage it further." Chris nods and stands up to follow the nurse. "Son" Chris turns his head and looks over at James "Yeah?" James stands up and leans closer to Chris so the nurse couldn't hear them. "I think you know damn well that I don't believe your brick lie for a second so, when they get you the splint, I'm hoping you'll explain the truth to me." Chris nods and looks away "Yeah, I will Dad..I promise." The nurse smiles at the two Orlandos "Mr. Orlando?" The two turn to the nurse "Yes?" The nurse chuckles before motioning to James. "You can either wait back downstairs or outside of the room while we run the tests." James nods his head with a small smile "I'll wait outside of the room." James then gently hugs Chris before leaving the room after the nurse and Chris. 

The nurse and Chris walk side by side as they make it to another room and the two enter the room while James stands outside. "Have a seat Mr. Orlando." Chris nods and sits in the chair while the nurse proceeds to pull out a variety of medical equipment. The nurse then moved over to Chris and slowly extended his hand, carefully examining his hand before moving toward the pinkie and ring finger. "Must of been a pretty big fall and that brick must of been pretty heavy." Chris silently nods as he slightly winces at the sting of pain that flows through his hand. "You'll have to wear a splint of the next three weeks, after which, you can set up another appointment and then we'll do a second check up." Chris nods and stares at his hand while the nurse puts the examination tools away. Moments later, the nurse was setting up the tools needed to put Chris' hand in the splint. 

"You might feel a brief bit of pain while we do this but afterwards you should be just fine." Chris nods his head wincing when he feels the nurse's hand. "Woah..that's..really cold." "Everything is kept cold here, it's best for the supplies. You'll get use to it, I'm sure." The nurse smiles and Chris looks up at them, staring into their eyes. "Really?" The nurse nods in response "Yes, a lot of our medicine or gear could get contaminated or wear out under the heat so we keep our hospital nice and cool." "Oh, okay" 

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