Infestation Investigation

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If you don't follow me and didn't read the post I put earlier: I won't be paying for any therapy bills 




( ^◡^)っ ♡ Have fun

The crack of James' gun was the first sound that was made and one of the doctors stumble back, clutching his side as blood pours from the wound. The second doctor rushes James slamming him against the wall to keep him from shooting. Chris, on the other hand, charged at the nurses. "If only I had taken care of that other hand of yours!" The nurses yelled at the same time as Chris got closer to them. Chris leaps into the air and swipes at one of their heads but the nurses are agile and dodge his hand before kicking him away, and down the hall back where the father and son had run away from previously. "Chris!" James shouts in fear and he fights harder against the possessed doctor. "Oh don't worry, you'll join him soon James." James glares at the doctor and knees him between the legs causing the doctor to collapse as he gasps in pain. "Motherf- James cuts the monster off by putting a bullet in the back of the doctor's skull. The second doctor tackles James to the ground, causing James to drop his gun from the impact. 

Chris falls back, being careful not to injury his already injured hand. "Careful now, if you use your powers on the environment here, you'll turn everyone inside to dust!" The nurses cackle but Chris doesn't respond, glaring. "You're right" The nurses smirk only for Chris to give them a smirk of his own. "Luckily that's not the only power I have." The nurses stare at Chris in confusion before they're lifted into the air and slammed into the ceiling before being slammed into the floor. They then get lifted back into the air and they slam into the left and then the right wall before Chris drops the two, sweating dripping down his face and blood starting to seep from his nose. " "I've been training the moment I regained these powers, I'm a lot stronger with them than I was in October." One of the nurses snarl and attempt to stand up only for Chris hand to rest on her face, turning her body to dust. "I'm sorry ma'am" Chris says, speaking to the nurse as she crumbles "but this is a better death than what that monster has planned for you." The second nurse tackles Chris and restrains his uninjured hand while viscously grabbing his neck, slowly choking him to death. 

Back with James, he struggles against the doctor as the two begin to wrestle with the other, with the doctor attempting to punch James while he blocks the harsh blows of the possessed doctor. The doctor reels back and James takes the window of opportunity to land a punch to the doctor's gut, before kicking him in the stomach and off of him. James reaches for the gun but the doctor quickly recovers and grabs James' arm, holding him back from reaching the firearm. James harshly struggles against the doctor before allowing himself to be pulled back as he sends a sucker punch into the doctor's jaw. The sound of a loud crack fills James ears and the sound of pained, gurgled groaning is the sound James needs to know that he definitely broke the doctor's jaw. James rushes over to the gun and picks it up before shooting at the doctor, but the doctor moves out of the line of fire just in time. The doctor stands up to full height and glares menacingly at James. "I no longer want you to join me..I just want to kill you.." The doctor snaps his broken jaw and charges at James who glares and shoots at the doctor, missing him by a few inches. But this was all the doctor needed as he closed the distance on James and dealt a punch to James gut. James gasps and his grip on his weapon weakens but James grasps it tightly, refusing to let go. The doctor punches him in the nose, and James can feel the bones break under the force, allowing blood to flow from his nostrils. James backs up and covers his nose with his hand but the doctor rushes in with a dark glare and a large smile. "Don't cover it! I want to see you bleed while I kill you!" James raises his gun to shot but the doctor pushes James' hand away and the bullet hits the wall, while the doctor grabs James' wrist, tightening his grip. James pulls his hand away from his nose and goes to punch the doctor in the jaw again but the doctor catches his fist with a cocky smirk. "Not this time, James Orlando..not this time..

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