Prologue 🖤

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Where to begin.

This is a story about a friendship and a love both so unbelievibly stonge and fantastical... they were practically written in the stars.

A couple things you should know.

First: This isn't one of these 'I fell in love with my best friend' stories. NO, it's actully far from that... but we'll get to that later.

My best friend Reggie and I were inseparable since birth. Our mums were best friends, well as much as high class pureblood families can be bestfriend. We were actually born on the same day at almost exactly the time.

Like I said, written in the stars.

Regulus Acturus Black and I were raised like twins and we were pretty much inseperable ever since.

Now, before we begin the story, I think you should be caught up on what's happened before hand. Let you see the kind of relationship I had... and yes I said had.

As I'm writting this, I'm 20 years of age, with a child of my own, a husband who is... elsewhere and a new best friend who helps out where he can.

This is the story of how I got here and like I said, it involves the greatest love of my life and a friendship that was destined to be.

And things truly began to heat up in my sixth year of Hogwarts.

So, let me catch you up until this point.

The first christmas I can remember I was six, I got a cat named Jaspar and Reg got a training broom.

I broke my arm riding Reggie's broom, who then bought me Chocolate frogs and stayed with me for the magority of my bedrest.

Aged 7: I then learned how to ride the broom properly.

Aged 9: learned how to swim.

Age 10: Got protected by Reggie's older brother Sirius, who chased off some bullys at a muggle park close to my house.


We jump a head to age 11 and Reggie and I began our time at hogwarts.

First year:

•I got sorted into Gryffindor, Reggie in Slytherin, but made a promise to always be friends, no matter what.

•Watched Sirius in his first fight... he won.

• Realized I was crushing on Sirius hard!!!

•That Christmas we found out mum was sick and I had to visit her in the hospital when ever I was home.

•Had to try and get used to seeing her there.

•Got into a fight with Reggie over who was the better Flyer, made up by giving him my last Chocolate frog.

•Got in a fight with Sirius for hexing Reggie, made up with Sirius by helping him prank the Slytherin table (Except Reg ofcourse.)

He was so happy.

Second year:

•Got my first bra, didn't need it.

•Discovered I liked Quidditch,

•Discovered I was really good at Quidditch, made the team as seeker.

•Became the youngest female seeker in a house cup winning Quidditch team.

•Discovered I wasn't as smart as I had hoped on paper.

•Discover I was REALLY good at practical magic.

Third year:

• Found out my love for Quidditch went beyond the field and became good friends with James Potter and his friends. 

•Had a tough talk with my dad and brother about my mum.

•Visited her in the hospital again, this time holding on to her as long as I possibly could.

•Only cried when I was alone.

•Passed most if not all my O.W.Ls with O's

Forth year:

•Tried to score my first kiss with a fifth year, ended badly.

•All the while, watching Sirius getting really, really, really cute!

•Watched Sirius is more fights...he won them all.

•Got my period! FINALLY!

•That summer, I said goodbye to my mum. (Reggie and Sirius both really helped me out with that one.)

•I'd go to her grave to talk to her. I know it sounds silly but I had alot to say... I told her all about Sirius and how sweet he was to me.

Fifth year:

•Watched Sirius leave his family home.

•Watched Sirius get his first bike, thanks to his friends.

•Learned that girls can be really mean, even ones I'm my own house.

•Got a bra I suddenly did need.

•Wondered why I hadn't been kissed yet, or even asked out on a date.

•I realized my crush on Sirius had gotten worse.

•Got over my crush on Sirius... mostly after seeing him go from girl to girl.

I... erm, I think that's about it.

After summer of 1977, everything changed.

Starting the first week of school... my first time seeing Sirius Black in person since the end of my fifth year.

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