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November 20th 1977

It had been a couple weeks now since the whole wrong bathroom incident and Sirius and I had become some what closer.

Like we weren't dating or anything but I did find myself feeling more... in love with him now.

It wasn't anything he ever did. He was just being his normal annoying self, but I just... saw the smaller things differently.

When he hugged me, he held me tighter and longer than usual. His hand would brush mine when we're just hanging out and last week, he kissed my forehead again after a run in with an arsehole guy who was way too grabby.

It was a pretty chilly Saturday afternoon and to be honest, it was good to have all my homework done so I could hang out with Reggie without worrying too much.

I had spent most of the day hanging with Reggie in Hogsmead, bouncing from shop to shop, buying whatever we felt we 'needed' in that moment. So basically tuns of sweet, books, pranking stuff from the joke shop (that was mostly my gift to the Marauders boys).

"Ok, I think I have everything. You want a butterbeer before we head back to school?" Reggie offered as he pointed towards the 3 broomsticks with a grin.

"Definitely. I'm knackered and need something to boost my energy." I joked, walking towards the pub.

We walked in and found a table straight away, the two of us sat down after ordering the butterbeer and the waitress brought it over with a soft smile.

"There you go kids." She smiled, taking the money from us both.

"Thank you." I smiled up at her before she left.

The atmosphere in the building was the same as always.

Young witches and wizards sat around the pub, eating and drinking, all laughing and chatting.

Which was exactly what Reggie and I did.

We just sat and enjoyed our butterbeer, laughing, reminiscing over childhood stories.

"Oh, god..." I laughed, wiping a tear from my eyes, "I forgot about that. Your dad was so pissed, I thought he was gonna exploded." I laughed.

It got quite as the laughter between us died down.

Suddenly Reggie groaned and shuck his head.

"Well, that's not what I wanted to see today." Reggie scoffed as he looked at something behind me.

"See what?" I laughed turning around.

But what I saw made my smile drop, my heart plummet and my stomach lurched.

There, sat beside at girl, his hands all over her waist and his lips at her ear, making her giggle.

Was Sirius Black.

"For god sake, I'm trying to enjoy a normal day with my best friend and now we have to look at that." Reggie continued to rant but my focus was on my heart, breaking in two.

I thought maybe he liked me...

I thought we were getting some where...

I'd Risk It All For Your Love (A Sirius Black Story)Where stories live. Discover now