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October 23rd, 1977

Saturday soon came around, and after breakfast, I was sitting in the classroom with a bunch of kids.

Most of them were here for silly reasons, but most were falling asleep at how boring it was in here.

I must have been in detention for a out an hour and I already done what homework I had to do so now, I was staring at the wall infront of me just keeping my mind occupied with plans Reg and I could make, spelling out words used in spell, just because it was something to do, I counted my teeth several times and then I sand songs in my head.

Well, that was until a piece of paper landed in front of me, making me jump, pulling me from the music in my head.

I looked around to find who had thrown it at me, but I was clueless. Still confused as to where it came from, I opened it to see what it said.

I'm sorry for being a dick- R.T

I looked behind me to see he was looking at me, a small pout on his lips, which only made me roll my eyes and turn back to my desk.

A few seconds later, a second note hit me in the head, and I looked down to see it was from Richard again.

What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?-R.T

Stop being a sexist pig and grow the fuck up?- J.P.

I charmed the paper and sent it back, not looking at him until he sent a 3rd note.

Then let me take you on a date, I'll show you I'm not a sexist pig-RT.

Absolutely not- J.P.

Come on, I'll do anything- R.T

This seemed to peak my interest as I sat up a bit straighter.

Anything? J.P.

I don't like that look in your eyes... but yes anything- R.T.

With an excited smile and a mischievous gleam in my eye I turned back to my desk and wrote down something extremely embarrassing and ridiculous that he wouldn't even attempt it if he actually meant it.

Put on a skirt from the lost property bin that's two sizes two small and wear it for the rest of detention.- J.P.

I sent the note back and look down at my homework, which was now done. I only looked back up when I head shuffling from behind me and I looked up to see Richard walking out of the room.

As my eyes followed him, they landed on Sirius who was giving me a disbelieving look.

"What?" I mouthed at him, but he simply rolled his eyes and looked away from me. I felt a pang of hurt in my chest then turned back in my seat.

That feeling went away pretty quickly when Richard Thomas came waltzing into the classroom wearing a Hogwarts school skirt that nearly covered his arse.

"HOLY SHIT!" I called out as I laughed so hard I couldn't breath.

"You, me Hogsmead October 30th?" He called out over the laughing and I couldn't help but nod.

"Absolutely." I called back.

"Mister Thomas, the classroom is no place for this type of behaviour." Slughorn scolded, "how you choose to dress in your free time is entirely up to you, but you can't just show up to my class room wearing such ridiculous attire."

Once the students in the room had calmed down, Richard had left to change and the room went back to silence.

I looked over at Sirius to see he had a look of pure anger in his eyes and a hard scowl on his face.

What crawled up his butt?

Pretty soon the detention was over with and I was finally free to leave the classroom.

The few students the had done the time with me had left, Sirius included, not saying a single word or even looking my way after Richard had asked me out and I said yes.

Truth was, it made something in me feel a little giddy inside. I had a date. I real date with a boy that wasn't Sirius which meant I didn't have to hide it from Reg.

Speaking of which, as soon as I exited the class room, a grinning Reg was sat against the wall, a book in his hand as he stood up to smile at me.

"Hey, there she is! My little criminal. How was it doing hard time?"

"Oh, man Reg... It changed me, I'm no longer the happy-go-lucky Jo you know and tolerate."

"Good, she was starting to get on my nerves." Reggie laughed as he flung and arm over my shoulder, making me laugh.

"Piss off, you love me." I laughed as I hit his chest, a little harder than necessary, making me groan a little.

"Less and less every day." He rolled his eyes before he pushed me a little bit, making me stumble before he ran off.

"Oh you little..." I began before I ran and chased after my idiot best friend, everything in detention forgotten about for the time being... well, until we sat by the black lake and I told him all about Richard Thomas, his stunt in detention and them the date I had on Saturday. All while leaving out the part about Sirius' full out glare as it all happened.

"You've got to be kidding me Jo. You agreed to go on a date with him?"

"I mean, he did embarrass himself in order to apologise and make me feel better." I tried to convince him, but he shrugged at me, shaking his head.

"I know that, but still, it's just weird." He sighed.

"Reg, come on, do you really think I'd be stupid enough to agree to a date with him if I didn't think he truly meant his apology?"

"Well, no, of cause I don't think that."

"And do you think I'd be going on the date without letting at least you and a few others know exactly where I'm going. Three broomsticks, by the way. A public place with plenty of people around us so that if he tries anything, I'd have witnesses."

"That makes me feel a little better." Reg sighed as he wrapped an arm around me.

"I'll be fine Reg. I promise."

And with that, we dropped the conversation and moved on to homework, him asking me for help since I had done mine in detention.

No matter how much we spoke, my mind couldn't help but think about how upset Sirius seemed to be with my acceptance of Richards invitation.

I appreciated Sirius's worry, but he didn't need to be so protective.

I mean, it's only a date. Why was he being such an arse about it.

I'd Risk It All For Your Love (A Sirius Black Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz