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September 1st, 1977

For the last six years, September 1st became one of my absolute favourite days of the year, my bestfriends Reggies, too.


Because it was the day we went back to school.

And that day was today.

The day I had been counting down since I came home from school last year.

I was so excited to see everyone.

I'd missed everyone. The only people I've seen in this last summer with my father, my brother and Reggie, and his parents.

It had been a nightmare, living a lonely life, and I was more than excited to finally see other people.

Reggie was excited to see his Slytherin friends, which is expected. He spent the entire summer with me... well as much as our parents would allow.

I was just happy to be back so I didn't have to stay with my pain in the arse family.

I don't hate them, not really, I just didn't necessarily agree with what they wanted.

They were pureblood prejudices. They hate anybody who was 'tainted' by muggle blood, whether that meant being muggle born, half Blood, or just interacting with them all.

A war was coming, everyone knew it, and they wanted me on the side of the so-called 'dark lord'.

The thing is, I would do it for my family and Reggie. But my heart would never be truly on his side.

I'd rather choose the side where muggle borns weren't dying. Where innocent people didn't suffer for no reason and where everyone just lived happily.

But that just seemed too nieve.

I had wake up early this morning and since I had everything i needed for School was ready, and packed in my trunks, I decided to shower, change and head downstairs to the livingroom where I sat and read for a bit.

That was until Rusty, our house elf, demanded I ate something for breakfast. I settled on some eggs and toast, which she made happily while I sat at the dining room table, my book still in my hand.

I only put the book down when a plate was set in front of me and I ate my food.

Thinking about how excited I was for school, for Quidditch, and to see my Gryffindor friends.

"Come on, Jolena, we must leave. Are you ready to go!" My dad called from the bottom of the stairs, pulling me from my thoughts.

I had been finishing off my packing, adding last-minute addison to my trunk, you know, toiletries and whatnot, stuff I couldn't pack until now.

"Coming, father!" I yelled, straightening out my black dress

And pulled on my plain black robes before darting downstairs where my father waited impatiently.

"I'm ready, father." I nodded at him, and he gave me a short nod back.

"Miss Jolena's trunks." Our house elf, Rusty, announced as he levitated my things down to us.

"Let's go then." My dad announced as he turned from the house elf and I to the fireplace.

"We're travelling by floo powder?" I wondered out loud as I took my things from Rusty and pulled them towards the fireplace.

"No, however...."

Before my dad could finish what he was saying, the fireplace glowed green and out stepped my best friend.

"Reggie!" I grinned happily as I rushed over, abandoning my things and hugging him tight.

"Really miss Parkinson, is that any way for a lady to behave?" Reggie asked me in a stiff, formal voice.

"My apologies master Black, it won't happen again." I bowed back, trying the fight the smile. However, I totally lost it when Reggie burst out laughing, killing our joke.

"Hey, troll face." I grinned as he pulled me into a hug again. "I missed you."

"We've only been apart three days." He rolled his eyes, smiling like and idiot."

"Still, I missed you." I shrugged back.

"Me too."

"Yes, we've all missed each other. Let's get a move on." My father interrupted, placing his hand on Reggie and I's shoulder.

I wondered back over to my trunks that Rusty had finished restacking them as I had knocked them over.

"Thank you, Rusty." I gave him a court nod, knowing he didn't like to be thanked, it was his job, he had to do as we, the house of Parkinson, requested, so didn't see the need in thanks or praise.

With my bags beside me and my robes closed tight, Reggie's the same, my father stepped in front of us and held his arms out.

We apparated to the platform, within an instant we were surrounded by hundreds of students, rushing around the platform, ready for the train to leave.

"Right well, goodbye Jolena, have a good year and all that." My father spoke stiffly as I began moving to follow the other students.

"Yes, father." I nodded curtly.

"And you, Regulus, have a good year."

"Thank you, sir." Reggie nodded, shaking my fathers hand, which made me roll my eyes. My dad always liked Reggie more than me. Mostly because he was a Black and his parents were well off and highly regarded by most in the wizarding world. Being friends with Orian and Walburga Black ment you had made it into the... popular crowd.

After a few more goodbyes, Reg and I were sitting in our usual compartment, waiting for the train to set off.

"Honestly, my dad just loves you." I huffed once Reg and were sat down.

"Yes, well, what's not to love." Reggie joked as he pulled out a book, one for this school year, and began reading it.

"Honestly, I'm surprised he and your mother haven't married us off yet." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"I've heard a few mentions of it... when we're 17 or something." He shrugged, not caring.

It was then that the door opened and in waltzed Severus Snape and a few more Slytherin's, making me roll my eye.

"That my cue to leave Reg, I'll see you later." I huffed, standing up and leaving the compartment to find myself somewhere else to sit.

Thankfully I found my usual dorm mates sitting together with a few other Gryffindors so I quickly walked in and gave them a smile as I sat, happily joining in the conversation, relived to be able to be myself again.

I'd Risk It All For Your Love (A Sirius Black Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz