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September 21st, 1977

It has been three weeks since school started, and things were going well for Reggie and I.

We had a mess of homework to catch on, but we had put it aside whenever we hung out because it always felt more important to be just us.

So now we had to spend all our free time working, which is exactly what we were doing on the Wednesday after noon.

It was relatively nice out so we were studying by the lake, Reggie sat beside me, my head in a book when the sound of footsteps come closer and when I looked up my heart did a flip.

There, stood before us, was Sirius Black, looking as incredibly handsome as ever.

"Hey Reggie, how are you doing?" Sirius asked, looking down at his little brother.

"Fine." Reggie spoke, no emotion in his voice what so ever.

"How's it been at home?" Sirius tried again, obviously wanting to talk to his brother like a normal sibling would.

"Oh, fantastic, I really enjoy being an only child." At this, I couldn't help but laugh at my bestfriend, however, this seemed to drive the older Black sibling's attention to me.

"Hey Jolena." He smirked, knowing I hated being called by my full name. That and his usual nickname 'Lena'... actually, I quite liked that only Sirius ever called me 'Lena,' but I had to fake the hate for Reggies sake.

"Hello, bane of your mothers life." I grinned back, deciding to play back.

"When'd you get hot?" He smirked, his eyes raking up my legs that lay out in front of me.

"Leave her alone arsehole." Reggie defended me, earing an eye roll from his brother.

"Listen, Joey, James said to let you know about Quidditch tryouts next week. He said you're on the team free and clear, but I wouldn't mind having you there to show the new kids what it takes to be a lion."

"I'll be there." I nodded, looking back at my book, trying not to look at him for too long.

"Cool." he smiled then turned to Reggie, at which point I switched off.

It had been a while since I had last spoken Sirius Black. He had run out on his family... well, actually, he was disowned because he got put in Gryffindor, became friends with so-called blood traitors, and basically did all he could to disregard anything his family wanted him to do... including an arranged marriage.

Around July last year, Walburga Black had enough of his defiance and went ape shit. Nearly killed the boy. From what I had heard, he had gone to stay with the Potters. Now, the only time I saw him was in school.

And now here he stood, looking incredible in his Black jeans and leather jacket ensemble.

Whatever Sirius had been saying, I had missed thanks to my ogling, so I only managed to hear the last of their conversation.

"See you later, little Reg...tell Walburga I said 'Hi'." Sirius called before he ran off, following his friends.

"What an ass." Reg huffed, standing in front of me, closer to the lake.

"I know." I smirked, my eyes following Sirius, moving down his body.

"Hey! Rule number 7, young lady!" Reggie barked, grabbing my attention, a mock scowl on his face.

"Huh? Oh Pfft...Yeah, as if." I rolled my eyes, acting somewhat offended by his insinuation.

"Yeah? Well, you got a little drool, right there in the corner of your mouth.." He mocked, pointing to his own chin as if to show me.

I'd Risk It All For Your Love (A Sirius Black Story)Where stories live. Discover now