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"Listen Zaray, the perfumes are amazing but there's way too many of them!" Sage laughed, slamming her apartment door shut as she threw her papers onto the table. The cheap pine covered in past and possible cases for Nelson and Murdock to take.

"I have more and then I'll be done I promise! Hey so how is all of that crime fighting shit going?" she asked, her tone falling grim as she changed the subject. Sighing, Sage flopped onto her couch, her curls falling towards the floor.

"Oh you know, stressful as all hell."

"Then stop doing it! Ya know, just a suggestion." Sage knew her sister hated what she did, but she also knew that she tried to support her as much as her heart could handle.

"You know I can't do that Z. This town needs me. It needs Athena."

Zaray sighed on the other line, the room falling silent before a knock sounded at Sage's door. Still on the phone, she made her way to the front door only to find her best friend on the other side.

"Hey sis, I gotta go. Sami brought me dinner." Laughing, she bid goodbye to her sister before letting Sami in.

"You know, you don't have to always bring me dinner."

"I know. But after seeing on the news those two masked maniacs roaming the city, I wanted to check on you, make sure you're okay." Placing the cartons of chinese food on the counter, Sami turned towards her best friend and smiled weakly. Leaning against the cheap granite, Sami's gaze started to become more and more empty, her mind drowning in her own thoughts.

"Earth to Sami! We'll be fine dear. From what it looks like, those masked people only go after bad people." Sage reassured, her heart racing as she tried not to give away what she had done last night.

Looking back up to Sage, Sami smiled and nodded before handing her a carton of orange chicken and a carton of rice. "Well, let's hope we're safe. Oh I almost forgot, I left a bottle of wine in my car. I'll be back." Running out the door, just before it clicked shut, a cane was stuck in between the frame and the door itself.

"Hello Flower." Matt's deeper tone vibrated through her core. God, she loved when he greeted her like that.

"Hello Matthew," a smile spreading across her face as she made way towards her friend, stopping inches from him. "I would love to come to your place for dinner, but Sami is over." she whispered, her hand trailing up his chest.

Placing his hand over hers, a soft smile made way to his face as he pulled her closer. "I wasn't here to ask you to dinner again, Flower. I came here to tell you good night. I'm going to bed early."

Sage's heart raced within her chest as she took him in, his warm and citrusy cologne made way to her nose, making her smile wider.

"Oh- Sage I didn't know you had a boy-,"

"Not boyfriend Sami. I uh...goodnight Matthew. I'll uh...uhh." her mind went blank as she tried to push him out the door. She hated to even admit that she had a crush on Matt, but god damn this man was not only handsome as hell, but also the biggest gentleman she'd ever met.

"Goodnight, Sage. Don't be up too late." Removing his glasses, Matt winked at her before making his way to his apartment door. Disappearing into his apartment, Sage sighed as she turned back around to face Sami.

"Not my boyfriend. We just..."

"Flirt because you want to fuck him more than you want to breath?"

"Sami!" Both girls erupted into fits of laughter as Sage poured them glasses of the cheaper wine.


The cooler summer air brought goosebumps to his skin as his tight black shirt did little to protect him against the wind. Crouching down on the edge of the roof, he listened closely to the chaos below; police sirens wailing as they responded to a bar fight call, taxi's being hailed by drunken patrons and the occasional bound of laughter coming from a group of drunk girls.

Gods of Hell's Kitchen (Matt Murdock X OC)Where stories live. Discover now